Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to survive a bad workplace, and when to look for another job.

I guess we have all been there, working under a boss or around co workers, it seems to be nearly impossible to avoid. Make no mistake despite my title, you will have to suck it up now and again, however that does not mean you should tolerate it for good.

As a Manager and even a Company owner, I have an Idea what I want out of employees, as an employee, I know how I want to be treated, here are some tips.

When you go to work, you are giving someone your time, which is a substantial part of your life in order to complete a task in which you are rewarded monetarily. This is why it is important to enjoy what you do. A staggering one third of your life is spent at work.
Think about that for a minute, one third of your life is gone, do you want to waste that time listening to the biggest condescending jerk on earth? Not I.

Stress is a killer, avoid it.
Whatever you do at work, do not let things get to you. I understand it is not always that easy, but find a hobby, something to keep your mind off work, make sure you exercise, it helps mitigate stress and of course is good for your cardiovascular system.

Keep your nose to the grindstone:
You will find that life in general is just unfair, you will have to deal with those bad apples. Focus on your work, complete your task, punch out and go home. While hard work really is rarely rewarded by others, there is not a better feeling than knowing you did the best job you possibly could.

Take care of yourself before all others:
This is something I recently heard, and it makes complete sense. Eat healthy, exercise, stay mentally sharp and like I said avoid that stress. Never ever allow your body to be destroyed at work, do not do something dangerous. If you are injured at the workplace money likely will never take away that injury, trust me I know. If you are asked to lift something heavy, do not be afraid to ask for help or to find an easier way to do it. You may get some flack, but OTHER people are not living your life, keep that in mind.
Your sole point of going to work is to be able to make money to live and do what you want in life. You cannot do that injured.

Do not let yourself be used:
While you should keep your nose to the grindstone, do not be that person that does all the work for others. While a good boss should see what you are doing, most will not, and use work as their grab ass time with their pets. Never count on it.

Do not allow yourself to be degraded:
I absolutely refuse to be treated like shit. I can tolerate a lot but do not degrade me, and do not treat me like less of a human being than others. Keep that free spirit attitude, be polite but firm and do not be afraid. Once someone smells fear, they feed off it and your life will be hell from that point on. Once you stand up, they will retract.
My first real job was at a truck stop. My first manager was incredible and I learned a ton from him, things I still apply today. The second manager was a slime ball. Needles to say he was sleeping with waitresses for them to keep their job, he fired them anyhow.
I would end up kicking in his office door at one point, which of course was the end of my work there. I do not care, he is just lucky he left seconds before I got there. I spent the rest of the summer riding around om my motorcycle, Boo yaaa!

Do not argue:
Arguing rarely gets anyone anyplace, the best thing for you to do is just sit there and nod your head, which is what your jerk boss wants anyhow, just a yes man and a way to make his own fragile ego feel good.
Even if you are right, you will not win, kind of like arguing with your spouse.

Be Patient and give people a chance:
We all have our bad days, and even our bad weeks, do not judge them unless there is something egregious which happens. Odds are they will get over that hump, or maybe not, either way give it that curve and see what happens.

Do not be afraid to leave work:
As I started out, you give your time at work. Time as my grandfather stated "Waits for no one" do not waste months or years at a bad job. Plan things out and make your move. This is a good reason to keep your debts at a minimum, if you are too saddles in debt, you are going no place.

The average career in America is only six years:
This is a good thing to consider before buying a house or burying yourself in debt. The American work place is a vast complex machine now. Keep mobile, and remember the world opens doors for you.

Your happiness is contagious, so is your misery:
IF you have a bad job, that will likely reflect at home, adversely if you have a great job, that will as well.

Remember when I took my six day Desert ride and spent a month in the Philippines? Yea I quit a bad toxic work place which literally was making me sick. What memories do you think I will take away?
The only thing I regret was sticking that job out longer than I should have.

Keep your chin up, life is hard and likely you are the only person who can make it better, be strong you can do it.

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