Thursday, August 16, 2018

Trump's attack on Harley Davidson is more intentional degradation of America.

Call him what he wants, Trump does whatever it takes to always stay in the spotlight.
Much of what he does is thought to be irrational, spur of the moment and unpredictable, I disagree.
Make no mistake Trump is not intelligent in any real regard, but what he has he knows how to use and use it well he does.
He has since day one done something incredibly odd, attack America.
He never really started small, he started very large in fact.
His first truly notable attack would be on Ronald Reagan on Nuclear Disarmament, where Trump spent tens of thousands of dollars in news paper ads trying to degrade the President and present to America his own amazing intelligence.
You see Trump became convinced after another Trip to the Kremlin in 87 that he alone could solve the Nuclear Crisis so off he came to attack the most powerful Person in America, Ronald Reagan.
Whether it was intentional on his part or encouraged from the Red Threat, it did indeed happen.
I doubt anyone really thought much of it, other than here was a powerful Tycoon trying to push against the President, but it had a dangerous overtone, it was a direct attack on our Democracy and an attempt to destabilize it.
The irony of course being that Ronald Reagan has actually introduced Gorbachev to Trump.
Think about that for a minute, mere months after the President introduced the Leader of Russia to Trump, he returns the favor in a visceral attack, bold to say the least and unpunished he would go.

Now that we have a quick establishment of Trumps belligerence to America, let us fast forward to today when Trump took on yet another American President in yet another symbolic attack, his visceral against another American Icon, but on the other side of the Political Spectrum, Mr Barrack Obama.
I think we are all aware of Trump coming out trying to lead the Birther Movement with his grand clams of "I have hired investigators and they have found some very interesting information"
The hook was put out and many bit, but the hook never really sank and months, then years passed by with no actual information against Obama's legitimacy.
Mind you I missed the symbolic attack on the Presidency at the time. I had gotten swept up in the Semitics of Obama being legal or not.
However this was a big slap to me as without evidence, it made Trump a fool, a liar or both, I started looking away.
What I had missed is how he took on a Progressive Icon looked up to by the world, just as he has previously done with Reagan, another American Icon.
It would not stop there as he would go into the 2015 Campaign both guns blazing attacking not only Hillary Clinton, but Bill Clinton as well.
He would attack his Character in any regard degrading him for the entire world to see.
I will not even bother with Hillary as any reader knows about his attacks on her, so what about all this?
Well he did not stop.
Trump has on a public level visible to the entire world, attacked every single President since Ronald Reagan.
Trump would move on to publicly Degrade Both Bush Sr and Bush Jr.
Remember Folks, this is beyond a campaign, this is a direct attack on those who have lead the most powerful country in the world.
They are also all people who sought to bring other countries to the table, Presidents who went out of their way to extend the olive branch in one way or another and to try and keep old Alliances Strong.
Trump has done everything in his power to destroy those Alliances as well as our Government at the core and he is succeeding.
He has stood before Nato and the UN belligerently attacking all who sat there, every single leader, save one, Putin.
This is no Accident as Russia has a direct interest in destabalizing our alliances especially NATO which opposes Russia and was created to directly oppose the Soviet Union. Do I need to continue with that connection? uhgg

He has also of course had his famous spats with the NFL trying to force patriotism while on the surface seemingly just trying to attack a Negro, I mean we all know a he is a Bigot who campaigned as such.
Yea, and he also campaigned against the Bill of Rights, this is what that attack was and more.
You see the attack on the NFL goes much farther as it is arguably Americans game.
He has sat, multiple times and directly attacked our favorite pastime in fake patriotism and gets a pass.
Ok so what of it?
Well it never stopped, daily he attacks something and his targets are direct, and intentional, which brings us to his recent attack on Harley.
Let's be honest, anyone with even a Moderate IQ realizes that Harley's expansion to a European factory is just a way to capitalize on their strong market there and failing market here.
However it again, goes right to Trumps goal, attack America.
Harley Davidson is an American Icon with deep roots in our industrial Movement.
No brand world wide brings a greater imagination of American Freedom, of independence as Harley does.
It also carries forth American Manufactured Pride and of course Wealth.
So there you have it, yet another trashing of another important American Icon with hardly a blurb beyond "The Maniac is at it again"
Yes, he is, and it is dangerous and should not be tolerated, no longer is merely sharing memes enough, he must be removed while we still have any semblance of a country left.

IF we do not act now we will follow into the halls of Oblivion another American Icon Trump attacks constantly. Pocahontas.
yes folks, she was at one time a Important American Figure who helped bring Native tribes and Settlers together.
She is the first woman to appear on US currency and Trump has done everything to attack her and her legacy day in and day out.


  1. I thought Sacagawea was the first Indian woman on US currency? Pocahontas was kidnapped from his Indian husband and her child and raped. Squanto helped the colonists survive and be friendly to the natives.

    Really insightful blog article about todays political damage to our system. Trump is a child and the GOP is made up of swamp rats and carpetbaggers.

    1. Pocahontas would grace the 20 dollar note from 1865-9
      She was used do to her "Peace" talks she brought forth.
      Sacagawea would be on the Dollar Coin from 2000 on.
