Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Comparisons of Trump and Hitler, are they valid?

 I think over the years we have all used to terms too often "Fascist" and "Communist" 
Unfortunately most people are too poorly read and educated in history to know what either truly is. 
It's taken me years of reading to realize that Fascist is fairly fluid and Communism is as  well. 
Example, while the Nazi Party is indeed considered Fascist, it diverges from Mussolini's party in many ways. 
Communism has different attributes as well with Mao Communism being different from Stalin.

Nevertheless this is on comparisons to Trump and Hitler, where there are parallels and where there are not. 

I've read article after article claiming there was no link to Trump and Hitler and to why Trump is not a Fascist and a handful claiming he is. 

A handful have made valid comparisons with most stopping short.  I am not sure if they are afraid or if they are historically that ignorant. "The Atlantic" is one of the few I am aware of who correctly asserted that Trump sounds a lot like the Klan. Donald Trump’s Language Is Similar to the 1920s Ku Klux Klan: Nationalism and Anti-immigration - The Atlantic
Here is the kicker, the Germans took from the Klan, not only in rhetoric, but in actions as well  using America's own Jim Crow laws (racist laws) for their own race laws. Unfortunately for Americans we hear a lot about Jim crow but again, most have no concept of what it actually was . Jim Crow Laws - Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) (

Hitler called the Jews and Undesirables "Illegals, animals, disease infested"
They were also responsible for many of Germany problems and took your jobs. In fact the Klan (Again Nazi's took from the KKK) also used the same rhetoric to keep Negro's subhuman. Escaped slaves were called  Illegal. 
Hitler was against socialism and the socialists were some of the first who the Nazi's went after. 
The Nazi's destroyed Unions and went after Homosexuals. 
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew." 
Martin Niemöller  
Martin was a Lutheran Pastor who spent several years in Nazi Concentration camps. 

Hitler raged against the unfair Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and promoted isolationism. 

Trump railed against NATO, the UN and Unfair Trade Agreements 

He was a rabid "Patriot" and National Socialism is arguably the extreme end of Fascism do to it's patriotism and promotion of White Supremacy, something which went beyond Mussolini. 

Hitler was to be promoted as the Savior of Germany. the Nazi's would go so far as to replace Bibles in churches with Mein Kampf, Hitlers book called "My Struggle" 

Is that what the point of this photo op was after gassing protestors? I don't know, but Mussolini said you take small steps like plucking a chicken. 

The Trump campaign also has used Nazi Symbols, unfortunately for the typical American, they only recognize the Swastika. Facebook which IMO has not even done a very good job containing the dangerous Rhetoric, even removed these symbols. 

The use of White Supremacy codes using 88 words which are 8 lines long, not to mention 88 Ads. 
Why 8? H is the eighth letter of the Alphabet and two put together say......."Heil Hitler" 
Facebook removes Trump ad over 'Nazi hate symbol' - BBC News

Facebook removes Trump campaign ad with Nazi concentration camp symbol  - Vox

Trumps CPAC Stage was even shaped with the Othala Rune. 
CPAC's stage resembled a Nazi symbol, the Othala Rune, critics say - The Washington Post
Conservative groups deny it, but come on, after all that is above I think it's safe to say if it walks like a duck...
This is a interesting article and IMO, it deserves your consideration as well. 
The Fascist Messaging of the Trump Campaign Eagle (

 I think we all know the diary of Ann Frank, except few know, that like the majority of Illegals, she would die of a fever in appalling conditions. 
The fact the Trump administration argued AGAINST human conditions should anger any American, sadly it was denied and deflected. 

Trump Administration Argues Detained Migrant Children Don't Need Toothbrushes, Soap (

I think even fewer understand that Hitler was not elected and was appointed after harassing Hindenburg, an old man into giving him chancellorship.   Nazi Germany as we all know it did not start with the immediate persecution of Jews, it took a few years of rhetoric and actions to make the  concentration camps a reality. 

Fascists have thugs, Hitler had his famous SA to do his bidding which attacked political opponents and of course the unwanted. Arnold does a great break down but unfortunately missed the multitude of White Supremacists who killed police and burned police stations in recent years. 
The Nazi's would have the "Reichstag' fire which burned their parliament building, they would of course blame it on their opponents. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger compares pro-Trump rioters to Nazis - YouTube

Last Hitler, like all authoritarians attack the free press, Trump of course was famous for calling the press fake, Hitler used "Lugenpresse" or lying press. to discredit them. 

Honestly I could keep going but I would end up writing a book, the comparisons are scary similar in many ways, in others, not so much but far too many that should not exist at all. The rhetoric coming from the Trump camp is strikingly similar. 
Nevertheless Trump is indeed a fascist whether or not you consider my comparisons valid for him as Hitler. 
In the end Americans on both sides have a infinity for Authoritarianism and are fully convinced that one leader, one Man or possibly a woman will fix everything for them. 

That is how it begins folks, that is how it always begins. 

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