Saturday, June 25, 2022

Did you know that Roe V Wade was actually about a womens right to privacy?

 The MSM and I hate to use that anacronym, is dominated by catholics and their reporting often reflects as such. The reporting often focuses on things which are stewards of the catholic faith such as immigration, refugees and the poor, all of which the Bible is clear on, you will not restrict and you will help. 

However the Vatican, which picks and chooses when to follow the Bible has decided to dig in on Abortion, in order to do so they have pushed the constant narrative that Roe V Wade was about a woman looking for a convenient way to dispose of a unwanted child. 

The reporting overall has left out that Roe was specifically about a woman's right to privacy per the US Constitution, while that right is not explicitly listed, it is implied. 

Moreover the reporting over and over again has ignored the medical reasons women may have to seek an abortion, the court flat out ignored the roughly 40 million women this year who will get one for a fake religious dogma that does not exist in the bible beyond more made up fantasies. 

This will have far greater implications with more of a big brother oversite that no freedom loving person should want in any capacity. 

I want to be clear, I do not like Abortion but I have always maintained it's none of my goddamn business what you do as I don't want the government looking into every aspect of your life. This is a stance I have on sexual transfmations as well, I sure as hell don't understand them, but being a private person, I respect your right to do what you choose with YOUR body. 

Make no mistake if we take that route, a fetus is an extension of a womens body until she gives birth. Every aspect of her life, from mental health, to toxic exposure is transferred to that fetus. Her decision on smoking and diet directly effect the health of that baby, factors often beyond her control dictate if it's viable or not. Unfortunately at times it is not. 

In the end we need to make sure women have privacy and the ability to make a safe decision regarding their own well being and their potential childs. We also need to make sure all people have the resources to raise healthy, productive happy children. Forcing women to have a child does nothing in this regard, in fact it can create a bitter resentful mother/child relationship. Moreover hardships create problems at home, since a certain political party insists on 'pulling yourself up help be damned' approach this is exasperated. 

Let's move forward, not backwards.

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