Friday, December 17, 2021

Why I am a proud Birther, in every single election.

 I love the Birther name and derogatory nature of it as it shows I am on the right track. 

I proudly railed for Obama to confirm who he was, his birth for his qualifications for the highest Position in the world. Obama dragged his feet, laughed, joked and prolonged, finally in 2008 he would release his Birth Certificate and laugh it off some more. Democrats claimed it was a racist hit and in truth, it probably was. However as an employer at the time, I had to by law, require three forms of ID in order for anyone to legally be qualified for employment as a birth certificate alone would not suffice. The President is your employee, you realize that right?

Moreover as a contractor working with the state and federal government I would have to submit tax forms and a background check to prove I was the contractor I said I was.  The more sensitive the contract, the more paperwork which had to be submitted, any security clearance obviously required levels as well. But the Presidency? Well I ran for office and claimed I am who I said I was, appalling. 

To buy a firearm? Again, I need an ID and a background check, Joe Bob dipshit who watches CONN and Faux? Well he just has to get signatures and wallah, he can now be in office. 

Never mind the Democratic qualifications for a candidate seem to be "Are you a Minority? Believe Businesses are a unnecessary burden on society? Think teenage boys should be able to use a girls dressing room?"  YES! You are perfect!  

Republican qualifications seem to be  "Do you own a gun? Have a Bible that you have never read? Hate socialism? Fly a Flag in defiance of the US Flag Code? Commit various financial crimes?" Perfect, sign here! 

Don't get me wrong, there was a time I believed all people who ran for office were qualified to be there, that they were upstanding citizens and out for our best interest, whether I agreed with them or not. 

I argued that Democrats foot stomping over Obama would lead to worse, I was right. 

In 2016 as Trump, a conman recently fired from his own TV Show and fresh off a Guilty Money Laundering Plea regarding his Taj Mahal Casino stormed the Presidential Nomination for the Republicans, I knew we were screwed. Did I forget to mention he was also under indictment for Fraud and Racketeering during the 2016 election? not to mention sharing a child rape case with Epstein, I kid you not. 

His previous and current crimes did not even allow him to purchase a firearm, think about that for a minute, the man who would become our POTUS could not pass a simple back ground check to own a gun. He did not understand nor care about the three branches of Government and flat out campaigned against the US Constitution. To make things worse he refused to release his tax returns something that empty heads in Washington did not think was required as the Constitution did not explicitly ask for them. I disagree, the Emoluments Clause, which states you cannot accept bribes from a foreign government would have to require it to prove this. The fact this is supposedly beyond the powers that be is simply jaw dropping. To make matters worse Trump has an immense connection of foreign networks as well as debt to foreign government and banks. Insert massive face palm here. 

Congress is filled with people of low character with no knowledge or understanding of our own government traditions and could care less, be it for their own interest or those of a big corporation they are not in it for us, and seemingly we have no recourse to prevent them save the average idiot not voting them in. To make it worse many have a criminal background and slime balls like Matt Gaetz are even under investigation for sex trafficking, his constituents could care less. 

So I am picking on the right you say? correct, I am,  the corruption of Trump both before and after the he entered the Oval Office are beyond unprecedented however, the corruption opened under the Trump administration is now normalized. The village idiot whom we call the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just stated the "Free Market Economy" allows Members of Congress to buy  individual stocks. This of course allows for someone to sponsor bills and vote in a matter according to THEIR pocketbook over anyone else's.  Joe Manchin has a family owned coal business, his own interest is in a 'Blind Trust" yea, that helps explain yet another vote for green energy. Rand Paul? Guess who's wife has stocks in a drug used to treat Covid consistently votes against safety measures. Is one a bigger puke than the other? 

Do you see where we are now? We truly are where we worried and talked about and the average person is not doing anything, anything at all. Once your government stops representing you, then what is it representing?

SO I ask you to write and call your elected officials and push for a law to require back ground checks and mental capacity tests. I would also love to see a Civics Test although with the bazaar alternative reality currently in our country I am not convinced any of them in power could formulate anything coherent enough beyond asking why Elmer Fudd did not get Bugs Bunny 

It gets worse from here folks, time to nip it in the butt. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Lessons from the Rittenhouse Trial for everyone on all sides.

 I will admit I did not bother watching the trial beyond a couple of clips here and there, I have always found public spectacles regarding trials repugnant. I did watch another circus trial however way back when a scum bag named OJ Simpson was found innocent.  That trial like this one was an absolute circus focusing more on the Judge and the Defendant than the facts of the case. Both Judges took the time to bask in their new celebrity in different ways, the later pretending he did not "Like" the attention while admonishing the Press, but seemingly performing for the camera's nonetheless. 

In America, everyone is supposed to enjoy the presumption of innocence which is impossible to do when the press has you convicted before you even walk into the court room. 

I know, I have been close to losing my freedom as well for a street altercation when someone tried to run me off the road.  Only one witness was even close regarding what happened and the other dozen or so not only could have seen, but flat out fabricated what they saw. Nevertheless the press wrote a nasty story about me in which I was even convinced I belonged locked up at the end of it. The Police per my history of loving a good street brawl during my earlier years had determined my guilt right off as well, facts be damned. I would get off, but I can assure you not being allowed any kind of innocence truly sucked. I could have lost my freedom right there and then, that is wrong. 

So this is where it matters. No Person should be named for any sort of crime before it happens, period, this allows a witch hunt to proceed and plenty from both sides to manipulate minds. I believe it is Ireland which does not allow the release to the press, I agree with this. 

On to the case at hand. 

The case itself is bazaar with a 17 year old being driven by his mom to a neighboring state to stop evil black people from rioting. I suppose if you watch Faux that is all you will get out of it, Negro's bad and destroying everything. Not sure what kind of a parent would drive their kid like that but here we are. 

Regardless of what you think, as a Hunter I never take my rifle unless I intend to shoot something, let's just be honest about this. What are the facts beyond that? Honestly I don't know, I would like to know why he was chased  but that seemed to be put on the down low, right or wrong however he was found innocent and that needs to be respected. 

He deserved per our own US Constitution a trial by his peers, which he received. Our system is far from perfect and a news blackout would help immensely. Nevertheless that happened so please honor it and leave this young man alone. 

As such his defense attorney's did not deserve to be threatened anymore than the prosecution did, both should be allowed to do their job, whether you agree with it or not. 

Nobody should be celebrated for killing someone and the fact that Kyle was awarded an Ar15 and received job offers for simply shooting inferior human beings is beyond repugnant. This shows a HUGE degradation in Morality and society in general from the right. No surprise you can reference my Hitler to Trump compassion, the far right is that far gone where people deemed inferior are killed. 

The left did not do enough to curb businesses being trashed and burned, this is wrong as well. I have been on the receiving end of a Burglary, which the insurance did not cover and also had windows shot out of my equipment, which insurance did cover. Businesses are there to serve the public, leave them the alone. You should not be absolved of arson or robbery, period. If you are a business owner and defend your property with a firearm, that should be supported by everyone but again, not encouraged. 

There are protests now and that is part of our first amendment right, so be respectful, Some have gotten out of hand again and that is wrong, see how easy that is? 

The lies, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am honest to the point of being brutal, you can hate me for it, but I tell you the damned truth and you know where I stand. The lies told by the Press, and yes Faux, Breitbart and the other Propaganda networks fall under "the Press" should be pushed back by everyone. 

Not all white people get off so the "White Privilege" bullshit needs to go, anyone can look locally to see a pile of white people going to prison, that shit just pisses everyone off.  

Was Kyle a Racist? well photos published show him flashing a white supremacy sign and hanging out with the Proud Boys, who are white supremacists so there is that, beyond that I don't know and honestly don't care. 

The blacks trashing businesses pretty much confirms their bias as to what they think about that 'Race" so in short, don't give them fuel for the fire, period. 

With that said White Supremacists have been found to have participated to incite the rioting and looting, so again, do your part in a protest to keep it civil. 

Both sides seem to be angry at the government for different reasons, often reasons which make no sense, just remember, we have a system which we have a say in. You can run for public office, work for a campaign, volunteer, write, call and yes even protest. If you do not like what is going on, be the change. 

The nut jobs on the right are doing just that, they have organized and are running for every damned office they can, why aren't you? 

Last, Kyle has said he wants to pursue a career in nursing, so regardless of what happens here, if he stays on that path at least he, for now wants to do good and atone for his sins. 

Out of all this it seems to be the only Noble thing which has came out of it. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Biden walks into bushes, Trump is crazy, Reagan had Alzheimer's, Nixon was Mad, can we stop this please?

 In the last 50 years four of our ten US presidents had some sort of a mental problem if you will.
If I labeled Alzheimer  or possible dementia wrong as a mental problem I don't care, this is about the well being of our Nation and ultimately the WORLD. 

If Biden walking into the Bushes is news to you, then you are missing out on the right wing media having an absolute blast with Biden's age and life long gaffes,  here you are. 

Joe Biden 'got lost in bushes' while walking into White House - VIDEO | World | News |

Running up steps, ok, I think every POTUS has done slipped at least once, but COME ON MAN! 
#BREAKING: President Joe Biden FALLS multiple times while boarding Air Force One - YouTube

Oh boy, what the hell are we doing with someone this old in office? Do you think he's going to get any better? 
BTW, this is not an anomaly, have you ever actually listened to him? 
Biden tells voters 'you ain't black' if you're still deciding between him and Trump – video | US news | The Guardian

IMO Biden is and always has been a gaffe machine which I have never cared for, moreover his political Career was IMO absolutely appalling, however this is about his current mental ability or lack of while performing the duties of the President. 
Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say. (

 In the last 50 years four of our ten US presidents had some sort of a mental problem if you will.
Biden is clearly not all there, his speech problems have constantly been linked to his stuttering as an excuse, come on now, we can all listen to the guy and here his aged speech often making no sense whatsoever. Do you really think you could wake him up at 3 am, expect him to jump up and take on a possible armed conflict?  
"Hold on, while I get my orange juice and east some pancakes, I will see you in the bunker"- Joe Biden 
Ok not really, but that is how I imagine him after 10 minutes of trying to wake him up. 
Regardless he is an easy target for the right and I am sorry, but they are correct pointing at his age and Gaffes just as Democrats were at pointing to Trumps mental inability and his advanced age while being elected.

Look, the other day I had a random conversation with a 79 year old man who was very well read and intelligent, he was however on oxygen. Being well read is impressive at any age, being sharp is as we all know an anomaly as we age, the last a sad indication of his aging body. The Presidency wears on everyone they need to be physically fit, alert, able to make snap decisions and available 24 hours a day. 

The US Constitution only has three requirements for being President which are outlined in Article 1 Section 2 Clause 5
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Well that's just wonderful, it does not list any real requirements, wouldn't you agree?

So let's take a look back at my claims and I shall offer up some simple solutions. 

Richard Nixon in ins prime was a very intelligent conservative and arguably a rising star. 
He would receive his Law Degree from Duke University and served as a Navy lieutenant commander in the Pacific during WW2. 
He would rise through the political ranks to the Presidency at which point his Paranoia was setting in and his mental decline readily apparent. 
He was so far gone he ordered a carpet bombing in Cambodia to impress friends and of course the famous water gate sandal would lead to his ultimate resignation. 
What you did not know is Defense Secretary James Schlesinger and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger issued orders during his final days of Presidency, that any order to launch a Military Strike would go through them. 
He was that off the wall when he left. 
To boot the corruption in his Administration would be one of the 5 most corrupt in US history. 
The Madman and the Bomb - POLITICO Magazine

Ronald Reagan, the loveable actor  with his snappy wit and ability to produce a one liner seemingly at will. 
A graduate of Eureka college having studied economics and sociology. He would then be President of the Screen Actors Guild, a position of people pretending to be someone qualified him for his later political career, sigh. 
Don't get me wrong we all remember him standing at the Berlin wall telling Gorbechav to "Tear down this wall" 
A few of us even remember the Presidential Debates with Mondale where Reagan would arguably win the debates by, well watch the video, I love this 
Reagan-Mondale debate: the age issue - YouTube
Yea, that was great, but the problem being, Reagan was not all there. 
He kept a jar of jelly beans on his desk and distrusted anyone who did not eat one, seriously? 
He often repeated himself and at the time we did not know what Alzheimers was. 
When Did Reagan's First Signs of Alzheimer's Appear? | Psychology Today
Ok, but they are under immense stress you say and everyone has their quirks. 
He had a Psychic tell him when it was safe to leave the White House. 
He labeled his chaotic cabinet "The Zoo" and relished at the in fighting. 
Strange considering even during his mental decline, presented himself so well. 
Reagan would join Nixon in having one of the 5 most corrupt Administrations in US history. 

Donald J Trump 
Where to go here? It baffles my mind that I even have to put forth any kind of a synopsis of this imbecile, but here we are. 
Trump would have his cousin take his SAT exams and one of his Wharton Professors would purportedly say "Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had" 
Now I am not much for hearsay, however Trump did not even understand Time zones. 
He had no concept of the three branches of government, no understanding of the US Constitution and even less understanding of Business with a record of failures that should make anyone ashamed. 
During his Presidency he did not understand NATO funding or what the purpose of the UN was. 
No understanding of modern trade deals and even less of a understanding of Climate Change or the risks it presents. He did not even understand the Paris Climate agreement or why it helped better American industry. IT WOULD HAVE KEPT US AS A LEADER IN INNOVATION! 
But I digress, Trump was a man of inmmense corruption and could not even legally purchase a firearm during the 2016 campaign. In fact, based on my research I am not sure he  could ever even own firearm at anytime as an adult do to being under constant indictment for his criminal activities. 

Bat shit crazy he had the understanding and ability to explain anything like a small, very small immature child.
Donald Trump says Puerto Rico is 'an island surrounded by big water' | The Independent | The Independent

Water is wet from the standpoint of water!

FinCEN Fines Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort $10 Million for Significant and Long Standing Anti-Money Laundering Violations |

Trump was likely the most corrupt POTUS and administration in US History. 
I could go on but I really do not need to, so what now?

Well first off we need to have a Mental Capacity test for anyone running for ANY public office. 
Do I want one? NO! but we have to have one. 
Trump for instance mistakenly called a Dementia test a Intelligence test *lols* and found it hard. 
Trump touts five-word memory test as showing he is 'cognitively there' (
He challenged Joe Biden one and he refused. Honestly I am not sure if Biden would have done any better. 
It should have been required, a pinky swear someone is mentally capable does nothing in my opinion. 

We should have a Civics Test, something I overlooked until I took a Government job and my wife, not from America was furious I did not have one. Turns out that a Government employee in her country has to take at least a 100 question civics test. Not asking too much and I can assure you, the bulk of geniuses you see in office, probably could not pass one. 

Back Ground Check, this seems like a no brainer, anyone working for Government does have to have a basic background check, although I am not sure how intrusive it is. When I worked with explosives I had to have the ATF investigate my past as well. 
Seemed like a great Idea then and even a better Idea for POTUS. In fact in order to have top secret clearance you must show your financials, something Trump never did. 
Remember when being a Birther was a thing or something to be laughed at? Yea I am and still am a Proud Birther for all POTUS. It was a slap in the face when Obama taunted Republicans and we were again supposed to "Take his word" for it. Just show the damned thing, all of us getting a job have to show three proofs of ID, why is the POTUS any different? 

Age restriction; This summer former President Bill Clinton would turn 75, younger than both Trump and Biden, having been out of office for 21 years, really folks? 
While this certainly would not have stopped Nixon, it is a start for the next four. 

In  the end it is left to our own recourse for voting in who will be POTUS, well sort of. 
No third party candidate has a chance at being elected as short of the Libertarian platform, NONE have enough recognition to even be on the ballots in every state. 
Remember Ross Perot? Yea he never could have won.
"Come on Man!" 
That belies the fact that of our two Major Party's who nominate candidates, only the Republican Party allows a vote as to who will be their Presidential Nominee, the Democratic Party appoints someone with their delegates FOR YOU!
How Democratic of them, they do not even trust their own base to select who will be the next President. 
Perhaps if they did, Trump never would have been elected against a Hillary that virtually nobody liked beyond her hardcore base. 
Perhaps if they did, we would not have an aged, former segregationist Named Joe Biden as POTUS now. 
But alas, they are Private entitles and are beholden only to themselves. 
But hey, what about Trump? yea he was elected by a base that thinks "The Apprentice" was real. 
It was not folks, not by a long shot. 

Leave your comments as to what you think, and what you would like to see for future POTUS. 

As an afterthought I included this book as I believe it not only shows why Trump should have been excluded for office, but why Biden likely would have been as well. 
It also lays out a case for other public officials being screened. 
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President - Updated and Expanded with New Essays: Lee, Bandy X., Sachs, Jeffrey, Lifton, Robert Jay, Sheehy, Gail, Doherty, William J., Chomsky, Noam, Herman M.D., Judith Lewis, Zimbardo Ph.D., Philip, Sword, Rosemary, Malkin Ph.D., Craig, Schwartz, Tony, Dodes M.D., Lance, Gartner Ph.D., John D., Tansey Ph.D., Michael J., Reiss M.D., David M., Herb M.A. Esq., James A., Glass M.D. M.P.H., Leonard L., Friedman M.D., Henry J., Gilligan M.D., James, Jhueck L.M.H.C. D.M.H.P., Diane, Covitz Ph.D. A.B.P.P., Howard H., Teng M.F.A. L.M.S.W., Betty P., Panning Psy.D., Jennifer Contarino, West M.A. L.L.P., Harper, Kessler M.D., Luba, Wruble M.D., Steve, Singer M.D., Thomas, Mika M.A. L.C.P.C., Elizabeth, Fisher Ph.D., Edwin B., Gartrell M.D., Nanette, Mosbacher M.D. Ph.D., Dee, Soldz, Stephen, Kaschak, Ellyn, Merikangas, James, Post, Jerrold M., Washington, Kevin, van Susteren, Lise, Ghaemi, Nassir, Eisen, Norman, Gourgechon, Prudence, Bramble, Rosa: 9781250212863: Books

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Comparisons of Trump and Hitler, are they valid?

 I think over the years we have all used to terms too often "Fascist" and "Communist" 
Unfortunately most people are too poorly read and educated in history to know what either truly is. 
It's taken me years of reading to realize that Fascist is fairly fluid and Communism is as  well. 
Example, while the Nazi Party is indeed considered Fascist, it diverges from Mussolini's party in many ways. 
Communism has different attributes as well with Mao Communism being different from Stalin.

Nevertheless this is on comparisons to Trump and Hitler, where there are parallels and where there are not. 

I've read article after article claiming there was no link to Trump and Hitler and to why Trump is not a Fascist and a handful claiming he is. 

A handful have made valid comparisons with most stopping short.  I am not sure if they are afraid or if they are historically that ignorant. "The Atlantic" is one of the few I am aware of who correctly asserted that Trump sounds a lot like the Klan. Donald Trump’s Language Is Similar to the 1920s Ku Klux Klan: Nationalism and Anti-immigration - The Atlantic
Here is the kicker, the Germans took from the Klan, not only in rhetoric, but in actions as well  using America's own Jim Crow laws (racist laws) for their own race laws. Unfortunately for Americans we hear a lot about Jim crow but again, most have no concept of what it actually was . Jim Crow Laws - Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) (

Hitler called the Jews and Undesirables "Illegals, animals, disease infested"
They were also responsible for many of Germany problems and took your jobs. In fact the Klan (Again Nazi's took from the KKK) also used the same rhetoric to keep Negro's subhuman. Escaped slaves were called  Illegal. 
Hitler was against socialism and the socialists were some of the first who the Nazi's went after. 
The Nazi's destroyed Unions and went after Homosexuals. 
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew." 
Martin Niemöller  
Martin was a Lutheran Pastor who spent several years in Nazi Concentration camps. 

Hitler raged against the unfair Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and promoted isolationism. 

Trump railed against NATO, the UN and Unfair Trade Agreements 

He was a rabid "Patriot" and National Socialism is arguably the extreme end of Fascism do to it's patriotism and promotion of White Supremacy, something which went beyond Mussolini. 

Hitler was to be promoted as the Savior of Germany. the Nazi's would go so far as to replace Bibles in churches with Mein Kampf, Hitlers book called "My Struggle" 

Is that what the point of this photo op was after gassing protestors? I don't know, but Mussolini said you take small steps like plucking a chicken. 

The Trump campaign also has used Nazi Symbols, unfortunately for the typical American, they only recognize the Swastika. Facebook which IMO has not even done a very good job containing the dangerous Rhetoric, even removed these symbols. 

The use of White Supremacy codes using 88 words which are 8 lines long, not to mention 88 Ads. 
Why 8? H is the eighth letter of the Alphabet and two put together say......."Heil Hitler" 
Facebook removes Trump ad over 'Nazi hate symbol' - BBC News

Facebook removes Trump campaign ad with Nazi concentration camp symbol  - Vox

Trumps CPAC Stage was even shaped with the Othala Rune. 
CPAC's stage resembled a Nazi symbol, the Othala Rune, critics say - The Washington Post
Conservative groups deny it, but come on, after all that is above I think it's safe to say if it walks like a duck...
This is a interesting article and IMO, it deserves your consideration as well. 
The Fascist Messaging of the Trump Campaign Eagle (

 I think we all know the diary of Ann Frank, except few know, that like the majority of Illegals, she would die of a fever in appalling conditions. 
The fact the Trump administration argued AGAINST human conditions should anger any American, sadly it was denied and deflected. 

Trump Administration Argues Detained Migrant Children Don't Need Toothbrushes, Soap (

I think even fewer understand that Hitler was not elected and was appointed after harassing Hindenburg, an old man into giving him chancellorship.   Nazi Germany as we all know it did not start with the immediate persecution of Jews, it took a few years of rhetoric and actions to make the  concentration camps a reality. 

Fascists have thugs, Hitler had his famous SA to do his bidding which attacked political opponents and of course the unwanted. Arnold does a great break down but unfortunately missed the multitude of White Supremacists who killed police and burned police stations in recent years. 
The Nazi's would have the "Reichstag' fire which burned their parliament building, they would of course blame it on their opponents. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger compares pro-Trump rioters to Nazis - YouTube

Last Hitler, like all authoritarians attack the free press, Trump of course was famous for calling the press fake, Hitler used "Lugenpresse" or lying press. to discredit them. 

Honestly I could keep going but I would end up writing a book, the comparisons are scary similar in many ways, in others, not so much but far too many that should not exist at all. The rhetoric coming from the Trump camp is strikingly similar. 
Nevertheless Trump is indeed a fascist whether or not you consider my comparisons valid for him as Hitler. 
In the end Americans on both sides have a infinity for Authoritarianism and are fully convinced that one leader, one Man or possibly a woman will fix everything for them. 

That is how it begins folks, that is how it always begins. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Yes masks work against respiratory viruses, here is how and the studies, plural to prove it.

 It's been over a year since I argued with a close friend who was at one point a respiratory therapist on this. 
He correctly stated that viruses are too small for any mask fiber, that is true, what he missed and I tried to explain to him unsuccessfully at the time, is that they are transmitted on water particles, which are not to small and can get caught in fibers or membrane. 
To note, not all masks are the same, nevertheless without wasting anymore breath here are the multiple studies from various organizations to prove that yes, they can and do work. 
The easiest way to understand this is to put on a mask and sneeze what comes out? 
Some will of course, but even then particles distance are drastically reduced which is still a form of success. 
For Medical Professionals working in a high risk environment quality of mask is paramount do to constant exposure. 

A rapid systematic review of the efficacy of face masks and respirators against coronaviruses and other respiratory transmissible viruses for the community, healthcare workers and sick patients - PubMed (

EPA Researchers Test Effectiveness of Face Masks, Disinfection Methods Against COVID-19 | US EPA

Face masks against COVID-19: Standards, efficacy, testing and decontamination methods (

Do cloth masks actually work? | MIT Medical

Large Study Confirms Masks Work to Limit COVID-19 Spread (

Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus | UC San Francisco (

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Arizona's Bias Audit Proves Trump Lied, Wake Up And Stop Feeding The Troll!


It goes without saying that election officials have tried very hard to do their part from sea top shining sea.   Laws everywhere have helped to give us largely secure elections with yes some mishaps here and there, but by enlarge they have tried their hardest and we should all be thankful. 

Then along comes Trump, a man off a recent guilty plea to money laundering at his defunct Taj Mahal,
 FinCEN Fines Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort $10 Million for Significant and Long Standing Anti-Money Laundering Violations |  under indictment for fraud and racketeering for his fraudulent University, Trump University asks for trial delay until after inauguration ( would sweep the 2016 elections all the while proudly proclaiming in public his Russian connections. 

Donald Trump Calls On Russia To Hack Hillary Clinton’s Emails | TODAY - YouTube

The Mueller Report would confirm that Trump was aided in propaganda by the Russian Government and the GOP would side with Trump in open hearings. Key Findings of the Mueller Report | ACS ( make it all more appalling the Bi Partisan Senate and House Intelligence committees would both find extensive Russian meddling in the 2016 Elections, most of which was as I mentioned, propaganda and trolls.  Senate Intel Releases Volume 5 of Bipartisan Russia Report - Press Releases - Mark R. Warner
I'm not sure if they were were so short sighted, did not care, or wanted what would come next in 2020, but the obvious would happen. 

For months before the 2020 Election Trumps own words per his spoiled history would state again in the open that "he should be allowed a third term" "would not accept the results" and per his Anti Constitutional Rhetoric throughout both his 16 and 2020 Election, Donald Trump, Enemy of the Constitution – not to mention he did his damndest to ignore America's base laws while acting as POTUS. 
He dragged America into a gutter none of us knew existed during the debates with Biden and Lied, Lied Lied and Lied some more. 
No Surprise he at one point had a ZERO percent fact check rating during the 2016 Presidential Debates, again what did you think would happen? 

Enter Jan 6th, where I would thought Americans would finally come together to stop this clown, when our hallowed quarters of our capital were overrun by treasonous thugs. 

I was wrong. 

The ring wing media took and ran with it doing as they did when a Traitorous Ragygun Administration made dealing arms with terrorists and drug dealers patriotic. 
Fly a flag, you did it for your country!
Sadly its working. 

Apparently the country can only be saved by Trump, mostly from his own policies. 
If we listen to Trump  god only knows what he wants as he flips like a fish out of water. 
PolitiFact | Tracking Donald Trump’s flip-flops in his first 100 days

Beyond that he is a clear and undeniable Troll who says and does anything for attention. 

The results of the 2020 election could not be overturned then, and they cannot be now. 
Pence could not do anything and he apparently tried to fuck America seven ways to sunday, that puke is no Hero in any capacity. 

So here we are, where not only a POTUS willing to lie at will is taken as gospel, but the trash that surrounds him with more lies are also now being interviewed and their repugnant anti American ideals being made mainstream.

Will we survive? Unlikely, but god damn it lets try! 

Title corrected for mainstream media's inability to correctly put Trumps lies out where they need to be. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Minnesota Black Militia.

 Like everyone, I keep seeing images of black men and women walking around with firearms in tactical vests and looking intimidating. Recently I saw pictures of them at a funeral and found this a bit absurd, so I thought I would read into it. 
 I want to be clear, I think walking around with a firearm exposed is asinine; well unless you are out hunting/outdoors and ran in to grab some gas, etc and left your pistol in your holster. 
For those not from Montana where we are very laid back in this regard, it's perfectly normal, with that said I still largely do not support open carry. 
With that said there is definitely a white Supremacist movement trying to start a race war and I feel that minorities especially have to take it upon themselves to be properly armed and trained. 
What is interesting is the approach this "Militia" group in Minnesota is pursuing. 

First, they want to be clear they are a buffer, ok fair enough not sure what the difference is yet. 

Second, they wanted to protect businesses from looting vandalism, ok same shit different story. 

Third they want to be clear they are fathers, sons, uncles, professionals and business owners. Ok now I am listening to a little more. 

Fourth, they are having a meet and greet with the community to get to know and shed the scary image. 
Eh, so does the Hells Angles so that means little. 

Sixth; They want to work with, not against police, again, same story. 

Seventh; Now this is where it gets interesting, they are actually seeing psychologists, wait, what?

Now this is something new and suggests a new kind of seriousness in what they are doing and a level of professionalism. I still do not want armed Militia on the streets but apparently, this will be the new America. Or maybe not, remember the Black Panthers were an armed response to police/government brutality in the 60s, old Ronald Reagan then Governor was quick to pass open carry laws restricting them. With tensions at a high and police as well as civilians being shot, I get it. 

I am not sure what their training background is, but I hope they get proper firearms training as well, perhaps some already do. I do know the short guy with the Krimkov style AK is not going to have a stable shooting platform, so I have trouble taking him seriously beyond the presence he is trying to convey. 

Full interview with their leader can be found here, I would encourage you to read. 
'Freedom Fighters' look to shed 'scary' image, solidify role in the community | MPR News

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Here we go again, Trump attacks America's favorite passtime, Baseball.

 I have to say never in my life have I heard a President degrade America in my lifetime so. 
In fact, having to date read at least the annotated Biography of over 30 US Presidents, I have never heard of a President attacking and degrading American Institutions and Pastimes before. 
He spent his two-year Presidential Campaign attacking a Kneeling Negro in the NFL, followed by his encouragement to boycott of football. Cause you know that scary Negro doing unamerican things. 
He attacked our automotive industries, cities, neighborhoods and of course basketball. 
He stooped to all time low's attacking loser POWs, but his supporters cheered.
He spent his first year hiding from the rain and calling soldiers in WW1 Losers, while it's the one thing not on tape considering his disdain for the common man and those serving, this is hardly surprising. 
What you say? Trump loves servicemen and women? Sure, he loves anyone willing to do his bidding, but not enough to serve himself, nor to have his boys sign up for selective service. In fact they had to sign a contract that if they did, they would be disowned. 
Then of course he bad-mouthed every living President and trashed most of our dead ones too. 
Even the cherished Abraham Lincoln trump proudly proclaimed, was beneath General Lee. 
During the Pandemic it was all about him and per his entire life, lie, deflect responsibility and degrade. 
Now he takes on baseball as they made a moral business decision to pull out of Georgia for the all star game do to Georgias recent voter suppression law. 
Good for them. 
It's sad we have to wait for America's corporations to be the beacon of Humanity, god knows it left the GOP about 20 years ago, stampeding to everything it always proclaimed to have stood against. 

I have no doubt if Trump runs in 2024, his supporters which apparently hate America with their every fiber, will line up to support him and his hate. 
I don't get it, he is everything they detest, everything we all detest but there they are, cheering for their own downfall and the demolition of their supposed beloved country. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

What a Trans Person can teach us all about Humanity

 Its been nearly 25 years ago since I first found online chat and gaming which lead to an addiction of both. Fortunately, computers went obsolete so fast I could not afford to keep buying a fast enough computer to keep gaming, so my time waster turned to political chat. 
Politics is likely the only A  I received in high school and the only class I did not fall asleep in. The Teacher even remarked that I was the only student who actually enjoyed his class.
Fast forward a few years and that Political chat room I would waste countless hours arguing and just having fun.
It would bless me with several people in my life whom I would talk to for years after that program went by the wayside. Two of those chatters have since passed so I can say with certainty they were lifetime friends.
But this is about Trans and as far as I know one of my first exposures to that "Ideal" never mind the Girl on our high school football team, she was built like a boy and played as well as one so she does not count. Oddly despite being MT, none of us cared.
It probably is at this point I will confess I don't really understand the Transexual/Transvestite nonsense and I hope I never do. In fact, after I am done with this post I hope it is irrelevant to us all.
With that being said Pagan,  someone from Australia whom I shall use her online name may even be a Hermaphrodite, I dono and do not care.
I do know this, Politically we are mostly polar opposites and we argued like it day in and day out until it came out she had her own BDSM service which oddly I felt was my business to know about.
Really it was no one's but if nothing else to ridicule her for it as it was then I found out her sexual identity was in question.
I'm not really sure to date why I cared about either, maybe it was Faux news, maybe just something to mock, but I did. 
The point is over the years we both chatted with a mutual person online named Katie, whom we both would meet in person.
I have always been pretty good about not caring whom someone else was friends with but after Pagan's visit to America, I did ask Katie what it was. She pretty much made clear it was none of my business, and she was right it was not.
Katie lived in AZ and after about eight years of chatting I met her at a medieval event, I was participating in called n"Estrella" in Pheonix.
She had a bubbly amazing personality online and was such a special person in my life I will do a blog regarding her and some others.
We stayed friends over the years as Katie did with Pagan.
Now if you are wondering, there was nothing sexual, Katie was deeply in love with her soul mate but was open minded and liked Pagan as a friend.
Katie was one of those people who could not catch a break and after losing her Partner to cancer she would end up with it as well, just a few months later.
She and Paul were never married and she was not entitled to his pension or SS so things were hard on her with America's often cruel medical system she would find herself on Chemo, unable to work all the while having her things repossessed.  
Times like this are when you find out who your friends are and many of those in-person went absent.
She had another mutual friend, Rodney  from the same chat room and another state fly in to help and if that was not incredible enough, Pagan would fly in from Australia to as Katie put it "Hold my hair back while I puked in the toilet"so few friends would step up
I was Gobsmacked, having cared for my Terminal father I knew how few people not only understood what caring for a sick person was but how few would step up to help. 
Katie would beat that round of cancer and live a few more years to only pass from another form, through that time she shared a close friend to Pagan.
So Pagan as I said I do not understand your lifestyle choices and like most and  I do not understand the chemistry in your body, but damn, hold your head up high, you are what all people should aspire to be, a true humanitarian and beyond that a True Friend.
I hope from this, you the reader learn that some things are not our business and those going through things we do not understand are still humans too. Sometimes better humans than we ourselves and why not, they have had to deal with not only being ostracized from society but their families too.

Friday, March 12, 2021

A Prominant Conservative Authors Bazaar Alternate Reality on History and My Correction

 First I want to say that History is fluid based on the information at hand or possibly changing information from released records, Archeological or Anthropological findings. A good Historian will quantify and provide a Bibliography. With that said I  have read enough Conservative books & articles to realize that far too often they are not only inaccurate but intentionally misleading and little more than propaganda.
Thats not ro say it does not exist on both sides, it does, but I also want to remind people that there is a middle area where I think most of us want to be, which id where I try to be and ogically is the most stable.
Here is the Book synopsis and my reply is below.

The Presidents: White House Leaders or Residents - Sal Martingano

I try to approach each article and book with an open mind, however, the supposedly well-educated Professor has an understanding of our history that is roughly equivalent to the typical American who read a book or two in their lifetime.

So lemme help Sal and the poor unsuspecting person who might fall for this terrible historical hack.

The League of Nations created a point where countries could talk and make decisions on the good of society as a whole to help prevent another massive war, to help cope with famine and other issues which inevitably affect us all.

A big mouth who railed against Socialism and Liberalism stormed onto the scene in 1933 named Adolf Hitler would help destroy the League of nations descending us into an era of nationalism and the predictable disaster which would lead us to WW2.

Next we fast forward to Ronny Reagan whom he pins as some kind of an anomaly and accidental leader. He failed to mention the Actor had already been Governor of California where he helped sign into law the state's first Emissions law. He also signed off on more evil socialism as he attacked cheap affordable firearms and squashed carrying a firearm.  As POTUS He would oversee two recessions and until the next failed actor, the largest drop in the stock market in history,. He also spent America into oblivion with his Tax Cuts and the nonsense arms race. He also oversaw the most corrupt administration of the 20th century with the Iran Conta Scandle with dozens in his cabinet becoming felons.. To be fair Reagan himself was not corrupt but had Altizmers and was easily manipulated. The Russians never took him seriously as he was after all an Actor.  

While Reagans policies by todays standards are extreme liberal, Phones for the Poor the ADA, 86 Assault weapons ban Etc,. with that said there is a direct correlation to his policies and the fall of the middle class.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Remember The Fringe Religous Zealots We Used to Laugh At? They are Mainstream and Politicians Now.

It came to me like a flood when I was watching the 2001 Movie "Bubble Boy". The theme was a Boy Kept Sheltered by his wacked out religious family. The Boy was in love with a girl next door whom his mother called "The Whore Next Door"
The movie would go on to make fun of typical Teenage Sins such as waking up with a hardon, which his loon mother dealt with by having him say the Pledge of Allegiance over and over again until it went away.
This fit the narrative as the boy did not have indoctrinated public schooling and instead learned alternative facts from his mother.
Sound familiar? 
I was raised fairly conservative and not being allowed to watch movies that other "kids" my age could, such as Star Wars, Red Dawn and even Police Acadamy. In fact my sister had to argue to get her ears pierced when she was 16. Why? because the Bible says its a Sin.
With that said they did not limit us as much as other "Bible" families or communities. Do you remember the movie Footloose with Kevin Bacon? Yea that was loosely based on a real Town in Oklahoma where Dancing was forbidden as it caused people to become intoxicated and sexually aroused.
Sounds absurd but it gets worse as I've personally met families who believe Dancing wakes the Devil, is this what they are referring? Who knows it is so absurd, yet that is the point of this post, absurd fringe Ideas which are mainstream.
To make it worse they now have Universities teaching "Alternative Science" and even "Law"
As religious as we were growing up we never doubted Evoluti8on and I never heard of the Earth only being 6k years old until an argument with my Egangilical Cousin who was about to graduate College with his Associate Degree.
He truly believed Noah Saved the Dinosaurs, Truly.
Now I find out there are non Evolutionary Biologists, Really?
Now that's goofy, but the Governor of Montana, a wealthy business man who used computer science and the science of marketing to make himself very wealthy. Now here is the problem with Socirty, we often relate intelligence with success. While Gov Giaforte did use science his understanding of science in general is appalling. Believing in the myth of noah is ok, but to believe the Earath is only 6k years old is fucking ignorant. To make it worse he stated people do not need to retire as Noah lived to be a few hundred years old.
(4) Noah Was 600 Years Old When He Built the Ark So Americans Don't Need Retirement - YouTube
Religous nutters in offices in other states have went so far as to push to make Abortion and even a Miscarriage criminal. 
When a Miscarriage Becomes a Crime (
We have the county Clerk in Kentuckt who became famous for denying homosexuals a marriage license as the Bible says homosexuality is an Abomination, that is True but it also says Adultery is a cardinal sin to which she was guilty in a previous marriage.
I would also mention that the Bible also does not allow a woman to have voice over a man. Do we really want that mainstream?
It gets worse when these kind of people are on the Board of Education to decide what is in our Text Books. Netflix has a great mini documentary on this dealing with the Texas Board of Education, 
Netflix USA: The Revisionaries is available on Netflix for streaming (
The point is this people, you have the right to believe as you choose and you will, but you do not have the right to push that belief on other people, that is our Fist Amendment Right to speak and worship freely but also to be free from religious ideology forced on us from the Government.
We already have a Conservative Supreme court that has not been this radical in nearly a Century, that's bad enough. We are likely to see a repeal of rights and things we now take for granted, there is almost nothing you can do about it.
Analysis: The Supreme Court hasn't been this conservative since the 1930s - CNNPolitics
Lets put it back on the fringe where it belongs, or so help me I am going to make VooDoo mainstream and start putting pins in Dolls.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Madman and Conservative Icon, Rush Limbaugh is dead!

 I'm old enough to remember when Rush was considered a fringe entertainment wingnut not taken seriously by virtually anyone in Government and only a source of information for people who had a problem with reality. 

I'm not going to say I never listened to him, I did and found his parodies funny but his attempt at anything factual and news related at a level of Stupid I could not relate to. He was however often all that was on when driving rural MT in the late 90s.
Most I know found his parodies entertaining but claimed otherwise for his information.
At some point he became a symbol of the voice on the right and a legitimate source of information for misguided millions.
I think this was mostly during the Obama years when scared whites terrified of a negro in charge looked for a bigot to comfort their fears, honestly its all I can come up with.
According to wikipedia he was born a silver spoon to a Lawyer Father and a family full of lawyers including a uncle appointed to Fed Status under W Bush. 
"According to his mother, "He Flunked everything, he just did not seem interested in anything but radio. Wikepedia.
That pretty much sums up what I thought about him, dumb as the day is long with a big mouth and a dishonesty 
not known in anyone save those mentally defective or paid propogandists.
Day after day he spun half-truths and deliberately lied to the delight of millions. To make it worse his rhetoric was clearly seditious
as he had no problem lying with the apparent purpose of destroying the US government. 
 He lied about the Clintons, Trump, Climate Change, how our Government worked and everything in-between.
Be it just a delusional idiot or paid, he was dangerous to Americas peace and stability and symbolized everything that is 
wrong with America today.
He is a clear example how the right has lost its mind with a inability to touch on reality in any capacity.
We need to talk, a entire movement built around someone clearly mad is troubling and its getting worse.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Poem we have all needed to hear; Amanda Gorman

 I won't lie, I am not much for poems being spoken, nor did I car for her verbal presentation, however reading it is flat out amazing. 
Thank you, young lady.

“The Hill We Climb” Amanda Gorman When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast, we’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace and the norms and notions of what just is, isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it, somehow we do it, somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one. And, yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect, we are striving to forge a union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man. So we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside. We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another, we seek harm to none and harmony for all. Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true: that even as we grieved, we grew, even as we hurt, we hoped, that even as we tired, we tried, that we’ll forever be tied together victorious, not because we will never again know defeat but because we will never again sow division. Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one should make them afraid. If we’re to live up to our own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in in all of the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare it because being American is more than a pride we inherit, it’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it. That would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy, and this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can periodically be delayed, but it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith, we trust, for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us, this is the era of just redemption we feared in its inception we did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour but within it we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves, so while once we asked how can we possibly prevail over catastrophe, now we assert how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us. We will not march back to what was but move to what shall be, a country that is bruised but whole, benevolent but bold, fierce and free, we will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation, our blunders become their burden. But one thing is certain: if we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright. So let us leave behind a country better than the one we were left, with every breath from my bronze, pounded chest, we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one, we will rise from the golden hills of the West, we will rise from the windswept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution, we will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states, we will rise from the sunbaked South, we will rebuild, reconcile, and recover in every known nook of our nation in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful, when the day comes we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it, for there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.

Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman delivers a poem at Joe Biden's inauguration - YouTube

Saturday, January 9, 2021

With Lame Charges against the January Sixth Terrorists; Militia's now Control America, you should be terrified.

 It goes without saying that this has been building for years. 
From the Bundy Standoff it seemed to escalate as the Feds pretty much just let Armed Lunatics point firearms at Federal Agents and threaten to kill anyone, were allowed to go home. 
Light charges were filed here and there which of course did little. 
They would again Emerge in Oregon taking over a bird sanctuary resulting in a standoff where one would rightfully die when engaging with a FBI Agent. 
Of all things the Agent would be Charged and of course the Hammonds, who had nothing to do with the Standoff, for illegally burning government property while trying to cover up their Poaching. 
Real standup Citizens. 
Slaps on the wrists abounded and more community service for people to clean up cemeteries. 
Everyone laughed as we knew they were low IQ, however unlike the Negro who robbed a liqure store and faces years in Prison, little would happen to the white boys since their Illegal Cause somehow caught the hearts and minds of poorly  informed and thought out politicians. 

Fast forward to the Trump years with despicable sack of shit after despicable sack of shit, including the Hammonds being pardoned. 
Further Emboldened and realizing they faced no real ramifications, the nutbag movement intensified to taking over multiple State Court Houses with again, slaps on the wrist and minor charges thrown at them.

To make matters worse, throughout the last four years, hell before that, I have heard threat after threat of people wanting Democrats and anyone they did not like, executed. 
This should have been a given considering  Trump baselessly wanted Hillary "locked up" and made it a campaign slogan. If you did not realize it, Republicans spent six years Demonizing Hillary, not because she was guilty of Crimes, but because they knew who the Democrats darling would eventually be. 
If you are not smart enough to figure it out, she was not guilty of anything they claimed, don't get me wrong, her Emails pissed me off, it was careless, unethical and should have been the removal of her from her position, however as investigations, plural proved, they were not Illegal. 

Then came lockdowns and Sheriffs, misinformed by Radical Right Wing Media sources decided they did not need to follow Mandates and openly came out against other Elected Officials of more power in favor of a Mentally Deficient President and Radical Right Wing Media emulating Fascist Talking points from the 1920s-30s. 

So here we are, just three days after a Insurrection of Terrorists who wanted to take Congress Hostage to Install America's first Dictator who decided Elections. 

We all saw them lining up, we all knew it was coming and knew it would be a shitshow but hoped that the radical right wing shills in the Justice Department and Feds would Arrest the Ring Leaders and tame the beast before it started. 

The Head of the Proud Boys would be arrested, which is good but not enough as thousands, programmed to hate the institution that they have a say in, stood outside and screamed at their free Press and then some attacked the boys in blue they profess to love. 
Most stood up to the mob and did what they could with little to fight back with. 
Seemingly no Water Canons, no Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets apparently not being manufactured anymore, they woudl have nearly 60 of their own injured and one MURDERED by a insurgent intent on kidnapping Congress. 

It did not matter who was in the building, they wanted blood and they wanted those within the building to not be independent entities, but minions of their Chosen Leader, a leader who constantly makes policies that shits all over them. 
Maybe that's always the case, it seems to be. Perhaps their YouTube fame would be all they needed. 

Dozens have been arrested with charges that amount to community service in the long run being filed. 
Men who have no respect for America's institutions are proven right again as spineless prosecutors slap them on the wrist and tell them to go clean up a cemetery with "Time Served" 

The Armed Mobs are watching, smiling and licking their lips. 

They also saw all those paid to protect the American people simply stepping aside, one even taking a selfie with them. 

They know they enjoy broad support from a Military that apparently has never read the US Constitution or does not care. 

They know the Police will stand with them as Democrats have done their best to distance themselves from the people who otherwise would have protected them. 
Some will do their job, but it will go quickly. 

Now that brings to this post, on the 19th they have said they will come back. Trump will likely still be in office as our Inept Government is horribly divided and afraid to simply do their fucking job, Arrest Trump, His Son, Rudy and the Other Ring Leaders, instead they argue over nothing. 
For god sakes this is the one thing we all should agree on, why are we not?

At some point realizing they are now in control, you will see the Armed Militia's standing in the streets, extorting payments, deciding who lives and dies and generally being the thugs they are. 

I spent my entire life believing the good gun owners of this country would fight to stop Tyranny, I never dreamed in my wildest dreams they would be in large part  supporting this, and those who do not, simply doing nothing. 

Every Dictator has their armed militias do their bidding, now our own Second Amendment will bite us in the ass and cause great harm in the future. 

In the event it does not get as bad as I think it will, it still will never be the same. Officials across America have had their lives threatened and many quit their jobs over it. 

America is not a first world nation, is not safe and you all should be beyond terrified.