Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Nuclear Problem with North Korea started well before Obama

The North Korea nuclear program is hardly something new and surely is not the result of Obama failing to deal with him.
Their nuclear program can be traced back to the Reagan Era, you know good old guns a blazing save the world Reagan.
From the 80s on their nuclear research exploded, pardon the pun.
In 1992 the North Koreans agreed to start working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) terms. However once the agency found the North Koreans were not in compliance and issued a report to the UN in 1993.
From that point on talks foundered.
In 2003 talks would resume with the United States, South Korea, Russia, China and Japan. North Korea wanted fuel aid and normalization with Japan and the US.
The talks were hindered over the United States Banco Delta Asia.
The first Nuclear test would occur in 2006.
By 2009 with a North Korea Satellite Launch the talks fell apart followed by another Nuclear Test to which the IAEA confirmed they were now a nuclear power.
In 2012 NK announced it would suspend Uranium Enrichment and not perform any more nuclear tests while talks with the US continued. The agreement also included long range ballistic Missile Tests.
The US tentatively agreed to humanitarian aid so long as NK stuck with the agreement.
The following year nuclear tests would sadly continue from that point on.
In 2017 it would launch ballistic Missile tests again giving the world knowledge that a ICBM could indeed possibly reach the United States.
Why does all this matter?
Well first off when people blame "Obama" they do not know even a little bit of what has been going on, it hardly is his fault on any level.
There is a thing called mutually assured destruction. The theory is that once two enemies have nuclear weapons there will not be War as both countries would be annihilated.
We now know that two leaders, one in particular seem to not realize this little fact.
In the event of a single Nuclear Detonation above ground (especially an H Bomb) we can all suffer health affects from the detonation with adverse reactions on the climate as well.
The Marshal Island where our Hbomb test occurred is still uninhabitable some 50 years later.
Nobody wins in a nuclear exchange, Nobody.