Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Guns or Humanity?

Here we are, on the eve of yet another election, and I am hearing the same rhetoric that wins over and over again, Socialism Bad, Guns Good” and off with some benign reason as to why you cannot vote for your own best interest.

Look the United States, the only industrialized country in the world without some form of Universal Healthcare, period. Obamacare, was the first step to addressing that problem. Granted, it was not perfect but it had several much needed provisions to it.
Since it’s introduction, I have heard no alternatives from the right save constant badgering, meanwhile Millions of people suffer.
But from the right I have heard how guns will solve everything. If you have a gun you can defend yourself but from what I ask? Will your gun perform surgery? Will it magically whisk away disease? No, they will not.
Guns have their purpose and to most it comes down to defending your well being, so why would you not think your well being is better off without proper healthcare? You will go to the hospital at some point in your life and you should not have to go bankrupt in the process.
In the end for me, I am tired of seeing GoFundMe for the healthcare solution. If you want to be afraid someone is taking your gun, go ahead but I know someone is taking away my right to being healthy, and I am fighting back against that on a moral and guiding issue.
Democrat for me across the board this election and it should be for your as well.

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