Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Extra! Extra! Republicans Trumps Personal Paid Defense Attorneys! Democrats Strategy Not To Be Found!

I was fortunate enough to listen to some of the Mueller Testimony today. I have been on the fence regarding this for some time.
Having read the Mueller Report I was of the Opinion the day after it was released, Democrats should have filed impeachment papers and kept Republicans on the Defensive. That was not to be, a Senile out of Touch Pelosi had made it known that despite all the Democrats rhetoric about how corrupt and dangerous Trump was, they would sit on their hands and hope for a free election. You know, because when you know the election is rigged in the opopnents favor, well you just hope it won't be next time!
I swear Democratic Stratagists just sit at the computer looking at polling results, hitting refresh all day long.

So here we are, day 18768 in the bazaar world of Trumps America trying to get to the bottom, of well I dono, I am confused now.

The Mueller Testimony, who was some idiots brainchild in the Democrat STrategy department, was supposed to be another bombshell day to convince everyone that, well I dono exactly, what?
If Democrats are unwilling to impeach, then what is the fucking point?
They are using the argument that 'Well the Republicans who control the Senate will not remove him so why bother?

Indeed, why bother to make a case at all then? Why fucking bother the public with any of this dog and pony show?
The Republicans got it last time there was a President impeached. Evidence be damned they would find some sort of bullshit to drag Clinton through the mud with and they succeeded in finding a BLOW JOB!
How many has trump gotten? I mean he admitted to letting Beauty Contestants blow him for better scores, but that is ok, it was not in the Oval Office!
Uhgg, so anyhow, here we are in the land of old people logic, honestly, that is where we are.

Mueller showed up looking and sounding his age. Despite a distinguished and honorable career he is showing his battles.
Democrats were very polite, very thankful for the job he did and laid out their case for Obstruction per the Report, and more Obstruction, and More Obstruction and well Obstruction.
Only a couple of Democrats rolled out the "Witness tampering and suppression" questioning and honestly it was brilliant, followed by More Obstruction, more Obstruction and more Obstruction.
Did I mention Obstruction?

It was also clear the Democrats did not bother to get together beyond Obstruction, Obstruction, and well Obstruction.
There was no seeming order in who said what nor any strategy, consequently we had different people asking the same damned questions again over and over again.
Part of the Pony and Dog show was to get sound bites and grab headlines, while a couple may have, overall their monotone Democrat could you please follow me voices really were less than exciting.
Mueller seemed confused and looking for bones.
Was it nap time yet?

Now Republicans came out with a Strategy, They were going to make up all the bullshit they could, deflect to the Economy and Clinton, more Clinton, and well HILLARY IS NOT PRESIDENT!
Yea so lots of Clinton and more Clinton.
They pushed hard on the cost of the investigation, which is about one months of Trumps gold trips and how it was a waste of tax payer money.
They made damned sure the world knew they worked for Trump, were his lap dogs, everyone else were criminals, unpatriotic, Un American and just went for the sound bite/headline captures all the while making sure their Despot Leader knew they were his.

I got tired of their constant Logical Fallacies, but I could not stop focusing on one simple fact, they were negligent in their duties and simply were Trumps tax payer hired defense attorneys. Every damned one of them.
One did stand out, a former JAG, who made sure we all knew his fucking bad ass prosecution career including the "Butcher of Baghdad" he also made everyone know that Mueller was a Worm and he was the fucking shit.
Because being the second longest serving FBI Director was not enough Mueller, YOU GOT THAT!

Republicans capitalized on it and kept saying the investigation had no teeth since it was supposedly started on false pretenses.
Ok, so then was the former Jags career locking up Iraqi's with no real defense attorney's in a bullshit fucking war excluded then too?

IMO yes.
But then again, in the era of Trump, any kind of rational sane thought no longer applies.

Fuck it, I am going to go mow my driveway.

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