Sunday, October 4, 2020

The last time Animals disappeared this fast, the Dinosaurs went extinct; Earth enters it's sixth mass extinction.

 150 species of  go extinct every single day, did you know that? 

There are more whales killed today by ship strikes than when the world would ban Whaling was banned by the international community in 1986, that absolutely stunned me when I heard it. 

To make matters worse, the Right Whale, the largest mammal on the planet will go extinct in roughly 30 years simply do to their inability to birth at a rate faster than ships are mauling them. Apparently the solution is fairly simple, when ships travel slower and with caution, the Whales are able to avoid the ships, however with no international speed limit, well they get steam rolled for Our purported greed for expedited merchandise  at a cheap price. 

I dono, for me this is just unacceptable, but I get it, humans hate to be inconvenienced and to quote my mother on building her home in deer habitat "They can just go somewhere else" like the good buddhist she was.  Nevertheless her rings word true to humanity, at least western cultures where we prize comfort over all else. 

It absolutely amazes me that there is not a headline on the news on every single channel that we are going extinct, however, it is largely tucked away on science sites as News channels overwhelmingly are only concerned with the stock market. I suppose that makes sense, with mainstream journalists making millions of dollars a year, they can afford to dig themselves out of most messes. No longer having a functioning ecosystem will impact them, but not in the ways of the common man, eventually, it likely will catch up to them, which is the point here, this cannot go on. 

Scientists state that one Mammal should go extinct roughly every 700 years, except now it is 1000 times past that. 
Amphibians should go extinct at one per thousand years, times that by 45k now. 
Here is the really scary thing, Frogs color alone can tell you how healthy an ecosystem is, since we have frogs dying off in entire ecosystems, that clearly is not good. 

8 Million birds are killed from the pollution from just coal each year, that number is dwarfed by the estimated 3 billion birds killed each year by cats!
Yea, my jaw hit the floor on that one as well. 
I had no Idea and I remember watching a cat I had hang out at the bird bath in the neighbors yard, leaving a pile of feathers at least once daily to my elderly couples horror. 
Now before you decide to eliminate Tom from the equation (Reference to the cat on Tom and Jerry, hello!) just keep in mind that at least with cats, we can mitigate this damage. Turns out all we have to do is put more effort into spay and neutering as the bulk are ferrel and keep our cats either indoors or in a cat run outside. Mind you farmers surely won't care as they need to get rid of the mice invaders from Europe still, however it will make a HUGE impact in that regard at least. 

Climate change overall is the largest deciding factor in our planets viability for life, at least as we know it. The climate effects how animals live and some like most fish are temperature sensitive, as their water heats up they move into colder waters, until of course that water is too warm and they just go belly up. We can more easily understand this if you have ever kept tropical fish at a tank at home, if it gets to warm, too much nitrates or of course the PH is wrong, the fish go belly up. 
We have managed to change the planet so much that killer whales are now seen in the arctic, a place previously thought unimaginable for them, however as water warms and stress competing with humans for food this is the end result and probably all our last stand. 

Perhaps it is simply our education system exasperating this powered by capitalisms push to purchase products. That of course does not excuse or heritage where as migrating humans slaughtered easy mega fauna in America into complete extinction. Man would eat to extinction the well known wooly Mammoth, Giant Beaver and even the Giant Sloth, you know the one, the Sloths which were as big as modern bears here in North America!
Well no you probably do not unless you visited a museum someplace, things like that are simply lore in childrens tales. Ok well probably not since Giant Sloths do not exactly invoke fear or wonder in any persons imagination save mine. I think we need a horror movie where tripping blonde women are crushed by Giant, predatory Sloths.

Anyhow people, overall the planet is not doing well and you and I overall are to blame. The solution is of course be more environmentally aware policies across the board, sustainable energy, less encorachment onto lands creatures need to survive and the world coming together to work for a better tomorrow. 
So long as we are arguing and lead by inept, incompetent figures such as Biden, Trump, Boris Johnson or Bolsanaro that is a daunting task but one we can achieve, at least maybe. 
Failure to do so means the mass extinction continues and ultimately humankind perishes. 

Why would we want to damn our kids future when they can have the Star Trek vision we all love?


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