Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Supreme Court got the latest ruling wrong regarding Churches, here is why.

Certain places are risky with Bars and Restaurants being among the worst, churches are not far behind simply do to talking and loudly when people are singing. When you sing you force more water Droplets out which is how the Virus is transmitted as it needs a means to move. The more pushing water particles into the air, the more of a chance people will inhale those particles. In a enclosed environment the air is not moving so the particles can hang out or catch very slow currents. That is why the CDC Recommends after being in a enclosed environment for 15 minutes with someone who has been infected to self quarantine.
But they are all wearing masks?
Well this is how we go back to the Fauci statement that became so controversial early on, he worried people would have the false idea that masks, all masks would completely protect you.
Masks work not by catching the virus itself but by catching the water droplets expelled through your mouth, they need a means to move and that is it. Those droplets are then caught by whatever type mask you are wearing with varying efficiency. A N95 is the best with well over 95 percent efficiency both directions. A Quality Medical Mask is 90 percent expulsion but only ten percent inhaling. Cloth Cotton usually is around 40 percent with Fleece actually increasing the odds as it creates larger water droplets, so those are completely fucking bad.
Next people have to know how to know how to wear a mask and most simply do not even know to pinch the fucking metal tab above the nose, the tighter the fit of the mask the better it works. If the air goes out through the nose or out the sides then the virus is escaping.
If you are wearing even the best for Viral Protection the N95 you will be forcing more air out and trust me, having worn one a ton in construction, the air will go out the side thus reducing its effectiveness.
SO yea, Churches are a terrible place to be right now.
Next time you tell someone who mentions goat gang bangs they need to think for themselves, you should know you are in for it.
Turn off Faux, in fact, turn off everything right, their understanding of every science save Marketing is beyond abysmal.

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