Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Madman and Conservative Icon, Rush Limbaugh is dead!

 I'm old enough to remember when Rush was considered a fringe entertainment wingnut not taken seriously by virtually anyone in Government and only a source of information for people who had a problem with reality. 

I'm not going to say I never listened to him, I did and found his parodies funny but his attempt at anything factual and news related at a level of Stupid I could not relate to. He was however often all that was on when driving rural MT in the late 90s.
Most I know found his parodies entertaining but claimed otherwise for his information.
At some point he became a symbol of the voice on the right and a legitimate source of information for misguided millions.
I think this was mostly during the Obama years when scared whites terrified of a negro in charge looked for a bigot to comfort their fears, honestly its all I can come up with.
According to wikipedia he was born a silver spoon to a Lawyer Father and a family full of lawyers including a uncle appointed to Fed Status under W Bush. 
"According to his mother, "He Flunked everything, he just did not seem interested in anything but radio. Wikepedia.
That pretty much sums up what I thought about him, dumb as the day is long with a big mouth and a dishonesty 
not known in anyone save those mentally defective or paid propogandists.
Day after day he spun half-truths and deliberately lied to the delight of millions. To make it worse his rhetoric was clearly seditious
as he had no problem lying with the apparent purpose of destroying the US government. 
 He lied about the Clintons, Trump, Climate Change, how our Government worked and everything in-between.
Be it just a delusional idiot or paid, he was dangerous to Americas peace and stability and symbolized everything that is 
wrong with America today.
He is a clear example how the right has lost its mind with a inability to touch on reality in any capacity.
We need to talk, a entire movement built around someone clearly mad is troubling and its getting worse.

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