Sunday, November 21, 2021

Lessons from the Rittenhouse Trial for everyone on all sides.

 I will admit I did not bother watching the trial beyond a couple of clips here and there, I have always found public spectacles regarding trials repugnant. I did watch another circus trial however way back when a scum bag named OJ Simpson was found innocent.  That trial like this one was an absolute circus focusing more on the Judge and the Defendant than the facts of the case. Both Judges took the time to bask in their new celebrity in different ways, the later pretending he did not "Like" the attention while admonishing the Press, but seemingly performing for the camera's nonetheless. 

In America, everyone is supposed to enjoy the presumption of innocence which is impossible to do when the press has you convicted before you even walk into the court room. 

I know, I have been close to losing my freedom as well for a street altercation when someone tried to run me off the road.  Only one witness was even close regarding what happened and the other dozen or so not only could have seen, but flat out fabricated what they saw. Nevertheless the press wrote a nasty story about me in which I was even convinced I belonged locked up at the end of it. The Police per my history of loving a good street brawl during my earlier years had determined my guilt right off as well, facts be damned. I would get off, but I can assure you not being allowed any kind of innocence truly sucked. I could have lost my freedom right there and then, that is wrong. 

So this is where it matters. No Person should be named for any sort of crime before it happens, period, this allows a witch hunt to proceed and plenty from both sides to manipulate minds. I believe it is Ireland which does not allow the release to the press, I agree with this. 

On to the case at hand. 

The case itself is bazaar with a 17 year old being driven by his mom to a neighboring state to stop evil black people from rioting. I suppose if you watch Faux that is all you will get out of it, Negro's bad and destroying everything. Not sure what kind of a parent would drive their kid like that but here we are. 

Regardless of what you think, as a Hunter I never take my rifle unless I intend to shoot something, let's just be honest about this. What are the facts beyond that? Honestly I don't know, I would like to know why he was chased  but that seemed to be put on the down low, right or wrong however he was found innocent and that needs to be respected. 

He deserved per our own US Constitution a trial by his peers, which he received. Our system is far from perfect and a news blackout would help immensely. Nevertheless that happened so please honor it and leave this young man alone. 

As such his defense attorney's did not deserve to be threatened anymore than the prosecution did, both should be allowed to do their job, whether you agree with it or not. 

Nobody should be celebrated for killing someone and the fact that Kyle was awarded an Ar15 and received job offers for simply shooting inferior human beings is beyond repugnant. This shows a HUGE degradation in Morality and society in general from the right. No surprise you can reference my Hitler to Trump compassion, the far right is that far gone where people deemed inferior are killed. 

The left did not do enough to curb businesses being trashed and burned, this is wrong as well. I have been on the receiving end of a Burglary, which the insurance did not cover and also had windows shot out of my equipment, which insurance did cover. Businesses are there to serve the public, leave them the alone. You should not be absolved of arson or robbery, period. If you are a business owner and defend your property with a firearm, that should be supported by everyone but again, not encouraged. 

There are protests now and that is part of our first amendment right, so be respectful, Some have gotten out of hand again and that is wrong, see how easy that is? 

The lies, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am honest to the point of being brutal, you can hate me for it, but I tell you the damned truth and you know where I stand. The lies told by the Press, and yes Faux, Breitbart and the other Propaganda networks fall under "the Press" should be pushed back by everyone. 

Not all white people get off so the "White Privilege" bullshit needs to go, anyone can look locally to see a pile of white people going to prison, that shit just pisses everyone off.  

Was Kyle a Racist? well photos published show him flashing a white supremacy sign and hanging out with the Proud Boys, who are white supremacists so there is that, beyond that I don't know and honestly don't care. 

The blacks trashing businesses pretty much confirms their bias as to what they think about that 'Race" so in short, don't give them fuel for the fire, period. 

With that said White Supremacists have been found to have participated to incite the rioting and looting, so again, do your part in a protest to keep it civil. 

Both sides seem to be angry at the government for different reasons, often reasons which make no sense, just remember, we have a system which we have a say in. You can run for public office, work for a campaign, volunteer, write, call and yes even protest. If you do not like what is going on, be the change. 

The nut jobs on the right are doing just that, they have organized and are running for every damned office they can, why aren't you? 

Last, Kyle has said he wants to pursue a career in nursing, so regardless of what happens here, if he stays on that path at least he, for now wants to do good and atone for his sins. 

Out of all this it seems to be the only Noble thing which has came out of it. 

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