Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Pandemic is real and worse than the Spanish flu, here's how we know.

First off, I want to be clear, I am not a doctor, I am not a medical professional, I am just a guy who is factual and likes to do research. I don't feel it benefits anyone to have more people to claim they are someone they are not spreading misinformation on the internet. I pride myself in being accurate, honest and open in my blogs. I can assure you this however, this will be reviewed by medical professionals who are close friends and not afraid to tell me when I am wrong. 

There has been debate on if this pandemic is real and if it is how severe it is, one thing most agree on is it's not as bad as the Spanish Flu and the 50 million people who died form it worldwide. The problem is people often skate past the estimated 675k which died in the US alone.

First off I want to clear the air on the Spanish flu, it was only listed as such as a Spanish Newspaper broke the story on it, the label was used to slander the Spanish who were neutral in the war and it stuck. The exact location of the flu is unknown although America is one of the places it possibly originated in was Fort Riley Kansas. Possibly American soldiers being shipped to Europe carried it with them and spread it.

Now with all that said and the immense numbers shouldered by the Spanish Flu how could I possibly think this one is worse? Easy, here are my reasons. 

1. Clean water, at the time clean water was not something fully understood and not available to everyone, in fact basic sanitation was still in its infancy. 

2. No Antibiotics; Antibiotics had not yet been "invented" and secondary infections were a leading cause of death at the time, that means if you caught Pneumonia from it, there was no treatment other than to wait it out. 1928 was the year that Flemming would come to understand Antibiotics, ten years after the Spanish Flu! 

3.  Assisted living;  People struggling from air clearly did not have the ability to so much as have oxygen and the famed "Iron Lung" would not even come into being yet. 

4. Longterm Effects: While anytime your lungs sustain damage you can have lasting effects, recipients generally did not suffer from the multitude of side effects such as blood clots, organs damage, strokes and even hallucinations. 

5. Vaccination, something which again was still largely in it's infancy, vaccination against the flu was not something available as yet, not to be available until 1945. Other forms of inoculation were used dating back to our own Revolutionary war when George Washington would force Inoculation on our own Revolutionary Troops against Small Pox.  One thing which people seem to be confused on is being vaccinated does not necessarily stop you from getting a virus, but it does prevent you from having the severe side effects or long term effects that can be associated with Viruses such as Polio, Measles and Mumps. In the case of Covid19 the vaccines developed had an excellent result up to 96 percent prevention initially, but that dwindled as the virus mutated down to 35 percent with Omnicon variant. 

6. Masks; Now this part is interesting as history tells us people masked up for the most part to do their part. In an ideal situation I would be able to say "our masks today are superior to then and readily available" that of course did not happen as masks quickly sold out and people were forced to make their own for the better part of a year. Since that part has ended, so has restrictions and masking is almost not a thing at all. I will therefore abstain in this respect. 

I realize this is not perfect, but they are my thoughts on the issue for a while now. We are living in unprecedented times with nearly 900k people to date dead already, that is confirmed just in the United States. The Refrigerated Reefers outside major hospitals should be a grim reminder how serious this is as should ford having converted a manufacturing plant to make respirators, yet sadly America is still arguing. 

Folks you can believe what you want, but it's to your best interest to take this pandemic at face value, it would do you even better to realize it is nearly as dangerous when put into perspective as other Pandemics the world has seen. The fact we have modern medicine and healthy sanitation to mitigate it should also be brought into your consideration. 

I hope this helps, please, for the love of all that is pure and good, take this seriously. 

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