Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Mueller has spoken and he did not let us down, Congress has, leaving our Country in Peril

Today Mueller spoke regarding his investigation into the Trump Campaign and Russian interference, he did so as he felt his report had not been properly represented by the AG and that members of Congress had not taken the wealth of information and his suggestion to investigate further seriously.
Before I go any farther I feel the need to tell you a little bit about Robert Mueller.
Graduated from Princeton, lost one of his best friends in Vietnam so did the opposite of others, he enlisted.
He would go on to become highly decorated in Combat Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V", Purple Heart Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals with Combat "V", Combat Action Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with four service stars, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, and Parachutist Badge.
After Nam he would go on to Law School.
He would later serve in under Council under all Presidents from George Bush SR all the way to finishing as the second longest FBI director in history under Obama.

From day one the President took office we saw a Republican majority who once were adamant he was not fit to serve, suddenly do an about face to protect the President at all costs, well only somewhat at the start.
you see the Mueller investigation was started by Trumps own Attorney General's Assistant, Rosenstein so one could say that under a Republican Congress, Senate, Judiciary and Presidency, the investigation into the President was founded.
I think that is fair regardless of President, they have the deepest secret of the Country, Nuclear Codes, the Ability to completely destroy the world, why is it too much to ask to make sure they are "Straight and narrow?"
However that was not the point of the Investigation, it was to determine if there was reason to be concerned with Russian Meddling, as it turns out, there was, what is more frightening, is the amount of Information it churned up about how careless Trump, his family and those surrounding him were.
However this was countered by President and radical right wing Media who instantly cried "Exoneration" after the Mueller report was released, and why wouldn't they? After all Attorney General Bar had definitely played down the report himself with the bulk of Republicans circling the wagons around Trump.
Here is the truly frightening thing, Most admit to not reading the Report or not reading it in its entirety, in fact Bar, who wrote a summery that predated his redacted version, admitted to not reading the report in its entirety either.
Are you fucking serious?
This is one of the most important documents in American history and these clowns could not be bothered to read?
Unfucking real.
Ok ok, well we can deal with that, Democrats have the Majority in Congress and can still impeach, as they should.
However the Speaker of the house stated it would be too divisive and not in the countries best interest.
Now after weeks of fighting and direct challenges from both Trump and Bar, she still is dragging her feet.
People respect power, aggression which both are perceived, right or wrong as leadership, that is not leadership, that is cowering down wanting knitting needles, she needs to go.

Look here is the thing, I am not a Democrat, in fact I have voted largely Republican up until Trump was elected when I saw a man who I believe is a complete and total threat not only to America, but he world.
But never mind that, I have blogged extensively about that in the past, this is about hte Mueller Report, so lets stick this out and what better way to do it than the report itself.

What are you waiting for? Take to the streets, call your elected officials, make your voice heard!
This is not about Republicans or Democrats, it is about the future of our country.
Do not bury your head in the sand.

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