Monday, June 10, 2019

Roundup Glysophates is a Red Herring, why Herbicides need to be more heavily restricted in general.

I keep hearing it over and over again "Glysophates may cause cancer" and the Media runs with it scampering to find scientists who can give an answer one way or another.
It seems to make sense that there is a single thing which causes the cancer and it needs to go, surely this must be true?
When you understand how Herbicides work, you realize there is far, far more to it than you are being told.
Everything is incredibly simple and not so simple all at once, so here we go!

First off you have to understand herbicides are poisons, their intention is to kill and they do so in a variety of manners.
For the most part this is done by attacking the cellular structure of a Plant, various herbicides are made to target specific attributes, for instance to keep things simple, there are herbicides like the famous 24D which will leave your run of the mill lawn grass alone, while killing Crab Grass.
There are broad leaf herbicides which are designed to attack of course Broad leaves, or those which are more likely to leave that plant alone.
Then you have herbicides that kill just everything, which is where Roundup comes in, it is a broad based herbicide and indiscriminate in what it targets so what does that tell you when it encounters your body.
While there are more potent forms available to licensed professionals, Roundup and its Ilk should not be discounted and the insanity of their use needs to be understood.
I look at the lawns in my cul de sac and see absolute perfection spotted by people like me who actually think dandelions are a herba and pretty as hell. Our dandelions seed and float to their lawn and the insanity continues next year around making every spring strong with the smell of herbicide, something you probably would not notice unless you worked with it.
I used more mild doses of what we know as 24d, Tordon and Milestone primarily, nevertheless I still ended up with shingles and a heart arrhythmia that summer. Doctors assumed me I was fine, but I did not buy it and while they tried to point to other causes than the Herbicide, since I had hte Arrhythmia at the same time there is little doubt when common sense is applied.
They say it is ok, but most people I know who worked with it had some side affect, one who the same summer and was far far less careless than I would end up with a more mild case of shingles that year and struggled to play his guitar as it damaged the nerves in his hand.
Others ended up with cancer and some just a severe headache.
Either way like anything, exposure is usually subjective per person, but here is the kickerm most people who have been exposed Roundup would end up with hodgkin's lymphoma. Mind you this is clearly not everyone, but that is the tell all result that has linked the lawsuits together.
So where am I going with this?
When you spray it just does not stop there, the more you spray the more it can sit in your soil and build up, to make matters worse you actually increase long term weeds as you slowly help out with natural selection. You see the ones who have a natural resistance will of course spawn others who do and soon you have the insanity of NO results.
Overuse is terrible, but normal use is killing us to.
I was told by the woman who tested me for my license I had nothing to worry about as you had far more exposure eating lettuce, which can be sprayed daily over an applicator.
So think about that for a minute, Lettuce is areal sprayed primarily, since it can be bug prone that areal spray is almost daily, you eat that shit in the end.
Some foods are worse than others, Potatoes are sprayed and since the chemical used is absorbed into its root, you are getting that herbicide, to make this even more fucked up, it is alsp sprayed by anti fungal so they look and stay good on the way to market.
Ok well you will buy organic, yea well in the meantime bugs are dying as Herbicides are still a form of Pesticide (another warning to you) birds eat bugs and well it's all fucked up.

We all know by now that bees are insects and are getting absolutely FUCKING POUNDED making their existence and very much needed pollination ever so much more difficult.
SO what now?
Well easy, we have to take action at our own home end and decide just what worth is that perfect lawn.
We have to push for legislation to allow only professionals to use and to start limiting that use to special usage only.
See another problem with the pros is if you look at say your county weed sprayer, well he is under pressure to spray and spray to make his work be visible to the public. SO I know for a fact some of these guys are spraying at the worst time to spray simply to appease the public. What do you mean worse time?
Well here is the kicker weeds are best killed when they are florets or in the fall when they are looking to store up nutrients.
Once they have flowered it is too late, so spraying in the middle of summer is a complete fucking waste.

You want something even more fucked up?
There is a Herbicide that is so toxic if you smell it, taste it or touch it you can die.
It is still used in third world countries as the maker (whom shall remain anonymous as shall the herbicide) wants to get its monies worth.
You buy shit from those countries. While it supposedly is screened other herbicides which are banned in the US are used there too.
Mind you the one I am referring is not banned in the US, which is fucking INSANE and I am sure you agree.
THere is no reason on earth to have such a hellish formula in existence.

You know what is even more fucked up? DDT is in nearly all of our bodies still, it never went away, in fact traces can be found in the arctic.
It is cumulative so you and thankfully animals can live with it now, but had it not been stopped where would bwe be today?
Where are we now with the rest?
Your drinking water is tested for herbicide now did you know that?
Did you know that most waterways have traces? Let that sink in.
I can sit here all day and scream on this one, if you have any questions I will do my very best to answer it.
Don't get me wrong, the Dept Of Ag and EPA have done a great job of trying to limit and find a happy medium, but what is that exactly?
We cannot wait, so lets get on this now.

You are the solution and you have to be the active one.

We cannot survive like this and we will not.

Please write, call and be the change.

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