Thursday, February 10, 2022

10 books that should be on every bookshelf

I have always been very well read, but sometimes what you read is everything. 

In high school I averaged 5 books a week, the problem was, most of them were fantasy books, which of course keep you engaged and get your imagination working, but don't really help much in History or Science. 

 One thing I have always been fortunate about in life is the quest to read and learn and not be afraid of being challenged. 

I would read my first physics book in my 20s, which dealt primarily with Nuclear Physics and I absolutely loved it, but the Math was beyond me and I abstained from then, nevertheless I now realize how incredibly important physics is in our life and it should be taught to all. 

About 8 years ago I changed my mind and realized I needed to know more, I was on the losing end of online arguments, something I have wasted much of my life doing, but in the process I have learned a ton, mainly how much I don't know. 

I also have had a curiosity about the world around me, finding out that Pakistan had a Female Prime Minister not once, but twice made me realize that most of what I knew from the American Educational System was severely lacking. So with that lets get started. 

"Science Matters; Achieving Science in the 21st Century; Seems straight forward enough but is probably something all people need to read. While there is nothing ground breaking in it, you will get a reminder how much you simply forgot over the years of schooling while you learned "Reading, writing, reading writing its all I do" My oldest daughter in grade school :P or maybe never really knew. Nevertheless it covers a wide variety of scientific topics and is good for probably everyone. 

The American President from Teddy Roosevelt to Bill Clinton; Great book and I am honestly still chewing on it, so why recommend it? Easy, I am now on Truman and this book gives you a short biography of all those Presidents and some before, in it you will learn some aspects of why and how different laws came into being. It's beyond outstanding. 

Benjamin Franklin; An American Life' This is a favorite of some of the Entrepreneurs in America, you will learn the journey of a piss pot poor young man to America's first self made millionaire, a must for everyone. 

Reconciliation; Islam Democracy and the West; This book written by Pakistans first and only Female Prime Minister will debunk the misconceptions you might have about Islam in the first half, and the second half lay down an absolute brutal take on Islam, Colonialism while simultaneously leading you down a path of Nation Building. To boot this book was written while she knew people wanted her dead, it starts out with an IED attempt on her life. Hard to pass this one up, especially for women wanting to go big in life. 

The Might of Nations; This book has a wonderful breakdown of Colonialism as well as how we got to the UN and why its s important, published over 50 years ago it's a must for every household. 

Guns Germs and Steel; the fat of Human societies.  I was recommended this book many times over the years and I ignored it, reading it however is a game changer as it truly helps you to understand our history and impact on each other as the name somewhat suggests. 

Rocket Men; The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the Astronauts who made mans first journey to the moon.  This book was amazing and will strike the sense of adventure in every young adult. 

Undaunted Courage; The Pioneering Mission to Explore America's Frontier. About the Lewis and Clark expedition, this book truly again nails the spirit of adventure with the combination of early science. 

1776 by David Muccullah; Several books with the title are out but non can match the wit or accuracy of acclaimed historian Muccullah. I read this the same year I read Hamilton, Jefferson and Washington's biography, to say he captured the high points and spirit of the revolution is a understatement. Another book which should be required reading in every High School classroom. 

Pirates Coast; Thomas Jefferson, The First Marines and the Secret Mission of 1805. Barbary wars you say, I've heard it all! Probably not, as one of those who grew up singing the nonsense patriotic indoctrination songs "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli" I really learned nothing from the song other than, well Patriotism. This book digs into the contributing factors of the war up to the end. Zacks is a wonderful engaging historian, you won't be disappointed! 

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