Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Hypocrisy of the Truckers protest is mind blowing.

 Over the past few years conservatives have made it clear that if you want to come into a country, you follow the laws of that country, if you do not, you are therefore Illegal. They clapped in delight as "Illegals " were deported and stomped their feet in rabid support as children were torn from the arms of family members"  they made sure you knew "If you come here, you do it legally!" 

They made trolling an art when black people were shot by police "Follow the Law' and later under Trump had the "We are the Party of Law and Order' with one of their favorite statements "Play stupid games win stupid prizes" 

Well, by November 7th we knew the last part was BS as a Stubborn failed game show host refused to accept votes, by Jan 6th 2021 the Law and Order crowd was trying to overthrow legitimate elections. 

Since then the turmoil has raged with the same crowd digging their heals in against Vaccines and Mandates which per the History of the US are nothing new, claiming 'They are unconstitutional" Oh please, that's like touting the Bible, which the same group has never read, nor has any interest in actually following either. 

So here we are, without me wasting anymore time with the Law and Order Crowd, the same crowd who would tell you at a whim they are not racist, but brown people need to follow the law down south all the while they scream and yell at vaccination to help the public good. To make it even more absurd, they ache Illegally entered another country to shut it down and protest their requirements. 

As a world traveler, this is truly baffling, I do actually believe in following the law, except in a time of desperation when someone starving or running from war should indeed be largely exempt from rules with an expedited system set in place to help get them into compliance. Principals I was raised with you know, helping all for the good of everyone. 

But hey, this means we get into the tangled web of Immigration and I really don't want to get there, but I do want to point out how fucking absurd it is for one side to be so law and order all the while completely ignoring it at. every turn. 

Last the same crowd has been belly aching about inflation, the price of goods and empty store shelves, how much more will goods cost as trade is stifled? How much more will the cost of products go up as availability goes down? Hell for that matter, with a serious shortage of truckers who will take the truckers place if some of them contract covid and die? 

Let's use Conservatives own numbers here, lets say 10k truckers participate in the protest, with the 1 percent number of deaths from covid, that means that 100 of these truckers will die. Not counting missed work do to being sick and of course long covid which will undoubtably stop some from working for potential weeks, or even months. 

From a Humanity stand point the entire debacle is humiliating and self defeating with a huge stain on America as a group simply decides the law no longer applies to them. From a political standpoint it's hard not to call these people what they really are, Anarchists, people intent on destroying the rule of law for their own self gain and inability to understand civilization. 

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