Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ladies, your only real defense against Sexual Assault is learning how to defend yourself

Where do you think America ranks in Rape versus over 100 other countries in the world?
What would you say If I told you we were ranked a staggering 15th in the world?
Considering rape is under reported and under prosecuted in America, this is a incredibly frightening statistic.

I wish this post was only limited to Women, but Men face Sexual Assault as well, it seems absurd as most men do not prepare for it, but it happens.
Nevertheless whatever type of physical assault you need to be able to protect yourself and at the very least (recommended) get away.

If we take our current most famous Sexual Assault case with Ford and Kavannah, it seems she was held down.
In reality if there are several people your odds go down, however against a single man knowing the proper defense can help and even against multiple attackers you can get away.

So what can you do?
First and foremost I encourage every woman to take self defense classes, not all are the same in quality protection, but all will offer you more than you already know, do not neglect this. Do your homework, take at least one and preferably more than one.
You will also learn how to watch your surroundings, how to carry your keys and use objects as weapons. Different scenarios are practiced as well. The more you know the better you can react.
Second, Consider enrolling in a Martial Arts class, again not all are equal but any are better than nothing.

My daughter is in a childs martial arts program, She has learned how to pull away from someone, how to punch and elbow, the last I love. She has already used what she learned in class to pull away from a bothersome boy intent on holding her hand, nothing major, but it is a start. She is also becoming increasingly hard to throw a Blanket on or simply to grab a hold of while we are playing. She is very good now at using her feet to kick or push away. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be able to use your strongest asset, your leg to at the very least push someone away.

Regardless of what Martial Art you choose sparing will be part of the equation and you will learn that you do not need to fear getting hit or grabbed as you once thought you would. It also teaches you confidence. The more you attend the more repetition you get and the better the odds of being able to use whatever defense you have been taught.
IF you are worried about Concussions i would encourage you to take Jui Jitsu or Tae Kwon Do, while hte later has strikes they wear copious amounts of protection.

Firearms Training
This one is probably kind of shocking as lately people have perceived me on the anti gun trail, I am not, I am however for limiting certain types of firearms to the general public, you will never hear me berate anyone wanting to protect themselves, other than being afraid of everything :P
I say training as most people do not know how to use a firearm in the proper situations, serious training goes way farther than simply pointing a gun and pulling the trigger. I have always been a hobby shooter and I shot competitively as well, however upon taking tactical classes I was amazed how much I learned.
DO not neglect this, but do not mistake having a firearm for being the end all as most assaults actually occur from friends or family members. The odds of you being armed at that time are almost none.

Weapons Training
Maybe you are not into firearms, and I do not blame you, or perhaps you cannot legally own one, then I would encourage you to take a Martial Art where you will also learn various weapons skills.

However you decide to learn to protect yourself just remember it does not end there, legislation needs to be passed to help hold people responsible for sexual assault, even with the best legislation in the world things can and will happen, signs are not crosses to the boogyman and the cross you wear does not promise Jesus will come and save the day.

Be strong, be prepared and never ever be a victim.

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