Monday, September 10, 2018

The Insanity of White Nationalism in Sweden and all others supposedly homogeneous societies.

The false ideology of "National Purity" is at it's height yet again.
Not seen since the ignorance of the Third Reich has Europe ran to embrace is homogeneous ancestry that never really existed.
You see the notion of "White Nationalism" is based on the ideology that all Whites are the same and essentially racially pure. It also is based on the notion that Immigration is somehow not normal or mundane.
Actually quite the opposite.
The Scandinavian States are pushed as being the most quintessential area's of Aryan Purity.
We are to believe as a certain party once did some 70 years ago in Germany that the pure white person is Lily White, Blonde hair and of course Blue Eyed. That logic carried forth from a dark haired Leader named Adolf Hitler who was a mixed blood Aryan and Berber Blood of pure Hypocrisy as usually is the case of such ridiculous notions.
His notion is nothing new as the ideology of whites being Superior and Immigration bad is a few short centuries old with 19th century scientists trying their mightiest to prove it, despite falling flat in the face of their own evidence.
It belies the fact that for Centuries the Scandinavians that were the epitome of whiteness were travelers we know them as Vikings.
Those people who conquered, bred and brought back slaves and travelers from all over their known world, which would delve into the Northern Most parts of Africa and of course the Mediterranean.
Their travels would also take them across the Atlantic Ocean to the North Eastern shores of the United States.
Now my dear reader, do you really think that along the way they did not interbreed? Do you think they did not settle, create farms and villages they were well known for?
Do you truly believe that the opposite is not true as well?
You see those perpetuating this nonsense do not know the history, nor genetic makeup of Scandinavia at all.
While my Fathers Side of the Family was Swede, Fin and German, My father could have passed as a Mexican do to his dark skin.
That is not uncommon should people actually travel to Scandinavia.
While the dominant look is indeed one which is white, the blonde haired and blue eyed is not the only type of face one shall see.
The Laplander or indigenous people of the area look Asian and have darker skin, in fact meeting someone of Finish Heritage, most often the area associated with Laplander's, one would often assume they are Native Americans, who of course came from Asia as well.

Moreover Sweden has a long history of Russia pushing deep into its borders which as a broad, now follow me here Asian history as well
I mean unless you think that borders, cultures and races stop by imaginary lines.....
Moreover Sweden has been open to Immigrants for some time, it is not uncommon in the least to see a black person, born in Sweden, who knows not their ancestral homeland, especially in their Capital of Stockholm.
Now if you go to your own Nazi Rhetoric that never held water either.
The Nazi's decided upon their version of the "Aryan Race" which was not realistic in the least bit as they quickly found out.
As it turns out soldiers in their special SS would soon be anyone who looked white with of course alliances going deep even in the Arabia. They even had "Sucks air" Jewish Soldiers and Officers.
Mind you it is a bit more complex than that, however essentially that is what it boiled down to, the master race was never so master and lacked availability of the Genes needed to perpetuate their own myth.
It also flies in the face of Science itself which while tracing our Human Gnome, we find our Ancestry to come from Africa.
But it is not even that simple as along the way Humans bred with other Hominoids such as Neanderthals and Desnovians making it impossible for Racial Purity of any kind.
But that is straying a bit from at least written history where we know that famous Brown Rulers made it to at least the bottom of what is Considered Scandinavia also known as Germany, previously Prussia, Previously The Holy Roman Empire.
Romans were from Italy with people of all Ethnicity fighting within their Armies.
They also engaged in trade far beyond their own borders.
It belies the last simple fact that the Swedish Empire once extended through Finland, down Russia and into parts of What is now Germany.
So I ask you dear reader how on earth can anyone perpetuate the nonsense of racial purity and one of anti Immigration when the History of even Northern Europe is point of fact one of Immigration?
My dear Reader, we must reject far right ideological Ideas as they are not based on anything rational, and they will hold us back from a pluralistic society.
In the end the only way to do this is by stopping false dichotomies in their tracks.


  1. How proud are you of your Neanderthal genes? Europeans are 1%-3% Neanderthal.

    1. You have seen my pictures, I wear my cro mag non brows with pride.
