Friday, May 29, 2020

A sitting US President just said something against our fellow Americans that is beyond reprehensible, again.

It is all but impossible to keep up with the absurdities that comes from POTUS mouth these days, however the clear disdain for human rights has been a problem since his campaign days where he campaigned against the Bill of Rights.
I get it, most people could not be  bothered with reading the Bill of Rights and certainly not the rest of the US constitution, but it is a real problem and many of us were not happy with it to begin with.
"But he does not mean what he says" and "He is going go fix things"
Now I am not sure what part of America people grew up in that think fixing things means going completely against the basic Laws of the Land, however his supporters certainly think that their Failed reality TV Star knows all, and can fix all.
This is a problem.
However time and time again the President has shown no regard for human life and it seems to fly by just fine.
For me the biggest scare to date has still been escalating nuclear tensions between North Korea and the White House, where a twitter feud boiled which could only be compared to two girls in junior high slipped nasty notes to each other, threatening to yank each others hair out, except for one thing.
It was real.
Two people with the ability to annihilate millions of people's lives engaged in a Media Shouting match with only the scary Maniacal Despot leading a Communist Nation commenting that "Innocent lives would be lost" nothing, I repeat nothing that I know of was stated by the President regarding the tragic loss of lives.
It blew over and on to the next absurdity which clearly was a bit less dramatic, goddamn if I know what it would be as daily, there has been something that Trump has said that if it were a book, I would have thrown it down saying "This is not real, there is no way this could ever happen" but it did and does.
It would go on later with his staff apparently telling News Outlets  that Trump had wanted a Wall  with a Moat and all kinds of Barbaric Traps to mutilate and maim people, This would go along with another tweet to shoot Migrants. Think about that for a minute, the President of the United States, the supposed Nation of Freedom, the nation of hope, has a Leader who wants to maim people looking for a better place.
Who wants to fucking shoot them, but that too would pass .
The next big moment, would be Iran, as tensions escalated from Trumps own doing, again, where as words were exchanged largely online, again.
Fuck I am tired, really?
Ok, on with the story, again Trump would threaten something as un american as it could possibly be, to blow up Iran's Cultural sites.
Now to many of the Fox news crowd, this seems like a good idea, it is not. For starters their history is also ours.  This would be akin to Iran threatening to blow up  Mount Rushmore it would and should be a cause for concern.
However now we are at even a worst spot.
He crossed another line, again and now has called for the shooting of Americans, likely to the delight of his supporters.
Look, I do not like Looters not in the slightest and if a business owner was to defend his property, well so be it, however the President is supposed to be non partisan and  should be calling for calm, instead as he does every fucking day, he further escalates a situation.
Ted Cruz stated not long ago that We are liable to wake up one day and Donald Trump might Nuke Denmark as President"
Ted had his chance to remove a man he clearly does not believe is mentally stable, however he, like the rest of the Republican Cowards who have enabled Trump, would cower and drag America through months more of this insanity.

When, when does it end?

Is there no goodness left in the Republican Party?

My god, I have never ever in my life thought I would see or hear the things that come from the White House daily now.

All those things I railed against over Obama and Bush seem Trivial now as they clearly were masters of their position in every regard, in one place especially, their desire to stand by  the American people regardless of what was going on.
They both stood before the camera's and urged calm when we were in a crisis and god damn it, they both guided us through Pandemics with out  the chaos we are in now.
Now I know people on both sides are reading this and saying "But this time" but no damn it.
They both had problems and I called them both out for it, and they both had misguided policies at times and some I think were human rights violations.
Nothing, I repeat nothing they said or did compares to today in any capacity.

America is fundamentally changed and  arguably Bankrupt after three years of this Insanity, how much more can we withstand?

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