Saturday, May 2, 2020

Did we get Covid Response Wrong? What are solutions to rebuilding, caring and staying safe without burning down America?

It's been a couple of Months since I told my Self Employed Step Brother he was off his rocker for saying we should not shut down and let everything burn.
"But the lives" I said, we have to care for the most vulnerable .
His reply "but Poverty Breeds Disease, Desperation and  then there is more death"
Bah, Bad Christian Reply!
 No ,I am not a Christian, but if you have ever debated me on the subject, you would have found yourself in deep Biblical waters, hell I have learned enough about the Books of Abraham to be  pain in anyone's ass, what they all share is to care for the most vulnerable, something we do not do well at all here in America.
Nevertheless that is not what this is about, this is about what is likely the Worst Pandemic since the  Spanish Flu, and as Numbers go, we are well on track to come close to those numbers.
In the first year, roughly 600k people died from the Spanish Flu , roughly half from secondary infections, which today  are now treatable.
We are at  over 60k KNOWN in a month and a half!
It also is worth mentioning that the vast majority of Americans now have access to safe clean Drinking water, all be it tasting like Chlorine, you can live quite well off of it and we do.
Keep in mind  your bottled water is almost all just filtered water, and Chlorine cannot be completely taken from th e water, so roughly 30 percent of it is still Chlorine, you just no longer taste it.

On with  our story.
So here we are a Month and a half in and here in Montucky we are reopening, was it the right move or wrong?
Now to be fair, I just gone done poo pooing  a very Brilliant Doctor friend who shared an "Alternate"  Video from a Nobel Chemist Named "Micheal Levit" saying we got t his all wrong.
The  points overall  made in the Video are in my opinion nonsense, the part about comparing the 320 million in Europe to the Paltry death of 100k  is appalling to say the least and if you think about it, makes no sense. He uses the argument that "The year Numbers' assuming we have already went through a twelve month period with this disease, we have not, we are only a few months into this.
He also ignored the  Strokes and  Care associated with survivors.
His point is the flu can kill 100k in a yaer, not sure where he got that from but ok, either way that is still over a year period, and we have vaccine for the flu.
 no I am not some super educated Genius, however using his own numbers, it reeks of  unforging genocide and something that most people have been fortunate to not experience, having  to care for a Terminal Loved one and worse yet, to have them die in your arms.
Having been down that road, I get pretty fucking pissy over the "They are not worthy of living" aspect.
I dealt with lots of Medical Professionals, many of whom were considered the best in their field who were more than willing to not do their job, who lacked Empathy, Compassion and all those other things that make the world go round. During that time I used the Net to Educate myself on my Fathers Condition and made them work for me, nurses too. They almost all fucking hated me, they hated being challenged, and they hated having to give a fuck. they hated having to follow their own rules.
You make them.
More with this later.

Now the Mr Levitt  did bring up a valid point and one that has nagged me since we started all this "how many are dying who are not being treated?
That is the question, how many have died?
Well we have no idea nor do we have an Idea of how many we have set the ball rolling on.
You see people who need Chemo are no longer able to get it, that is a huge problem.
Almost all non emergency care was denied during this time as we prepared for overwhelmed hospitals.
The next problem one my moderately brilliant Step Brother brought up Regarding Poverty is something that needs to be addressed as well.
Here in the US we have a  serious problem with homelessness already,  we do not have a system set up to care for mass unemployment, nor do we have the means, or backbone to care for the most vulnerable as we should
So here is where we are, a system that is overwhelmed and people who cannot get the help they need, so now what?
Well for some of us with more resources, we will be ok, the reset possibly not. Not only that, but in NY it has become glaringly obvious that their homeless problem is a root cause of this virus.
In NY they are stuck like Cattle riding on Public Transportation that is not as clean as it needs to be.
In that transit people  are in constant contact with  Feces, Spit and god knows what else from a uncared for Homeless population.
That population is set to explode as Government assistance either runs out, or Employers are unable to kickstart the Economy again.
Having been Self Employed during the Last Recession and seeing desperate people stopping my Semi Truck in the middle of the road, bagging for work, I know how bad that can get.
So here is where we are, as much as I hate to say it, the Republicans are right, we cannot let America burn down in the process.
Where they are wrong, is the elderly do matter, you all matter.
My father had an  auto immune disease, a simple cold (to which Covid -19 is  a form of) would have killed him.
I managed to keep him safe for that year and half until his problem crept up on him and a non working system, the result of a Medical field not caring for "Someone who has had a good life at 65" as they put it, and a Government influenced by those same people.
Anyhow, it is possible.
Wear your mask, wash  your hands, be careful where you eat as that fast food worker and even restaurant worker is not nearly as clean as you think they are.
When you suspect a Waitress or cook is sick LEAVE! Get up and walk the fuck out.
I have done this for most of my life as I hate being sick, why chance it?
I don't fucking care what they think, or if I even see them again, they are not living my life, nor I theirs.
Food has to be washed and those of you in Government taking this time to read this, you need to do a better job keeping your cities clean.
Field Hospitals are starting to go up and  that is where those who need the care, need to go who are infected with Covid-19.
We need to  go forward America, we have to do this in a rational way and care all the way for each other.
Poverty does bring diseases, it also brings desperation and of cours crime. If this is allowed to continue, we will see deaths and complications magnified 100 times from staying closed.

One last point,  The Radical Right who is in Charge of America right now wants to burn it down to start all over again, this was their plan for years.
We not only dumped gasoline on everything,, we lit the   match for them.

Btw, be careful with the above Youtube video.
I have a strong distaste for misinformation and the right is a master at it, here is about the "Owner" of that site.

I am sure that Mr Levitt is a incredible Scientist and we are fortunate to have him at Stanford, I am not impressed with the site to which he was "Interviewed" however.
Perhaps Mr. Levitt, if you're reading this I could get your opinion?

Thank you for your consideration as always.
Please leave your comments.

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